Transport: Many of the sections are easily reached by bus from the main towns along the route, however some of them are in very rural locations and will need taxis to reach the start and end points. All buses are listed in individual sections of the walk. There are also suggestions as to places to be used as a base for sections of the walk in each section where appropriate where parking can be more easily found.
Facilities: All sections of the walk have facilities listed. Again the rural sections will have no facilities and a picnic and water should be taken.
Accessibility: Some sections of the walk are along cycle paths and are accessible, this has been noted in the individual sections of the walk. Unfortunately, many of the sections have muddy fields, stiles, steps and squeeze gates making them unsuitable for all walkers. The walk has been split into shorter sections of 5 miles or less to enable most abilities to tackle some of the sections. More experienced walkers may want to walk several sections in one day to make a longer, more challenging walk.