Start: The Pay Note Cafe, 1A Ashton Street, Easington Colliery, SR8 3QQ or Easington Colliery Coastal Park Car Park, 11 Camp St, Easington, Peterlee SR8 3RB.
(S) From the cafe, walk down Office Street and then continue straight ahead onto the footpath continuing underneath the railway lines. If coming from the car park, follow the path to the railway lines.
(1) On reaching the coastal path, turn left and follow the path north. The path will swing out to Shippersea point and then turn inland towards the railway line.
(2) There is a crossing point on the railway to your left and a beach access point to your right, use extreme caution as there has been some land slips in the area. After visiting Shippersea Bay, return to the path by the railway. Follow the path alongside the railway until you reach Hawthorn Viaduct.
(3) Pass under the viaduct following the path southwest until you reach a path junction, take the right path down into the woods, back towards the railway line and viaduct.
(4) A path leads down to the beach here alongside Hawthorn Burn, you may take this route if you wish however to follow the coastal path, turn left and continue inland. The path will turn north passing through Hawthorn Dene Meadows, then turns towards the railway line again. Continue to follow the path alongside the railway line northwards.
(5) Cross the bridge and walk eastwards following the path to Chourdon Point. After enjoying the views, follow the path north.
(6) On reaching the pond and sculpture, there is an access point down to the blast beach with its Second World War Defence Point. There are a lot of steps down, take care. Return to the path after your visit. Continue north, following the path around the cliff tops until you reach Nose's Point.
Alternative Route: Continue to walk along the Blast Beach past the pools of red water looking for the exit point which will take you back up to the cliff tops to (8).
(7) Take either the footpath to the left and walk around Noses Point Nature Reserve or cross the footbridge bearing right after the bridge towards the wavy wall and seating.
(8) From the wall, pick up the paved footpath heading north past the car parks until you reach the A182. Continue heading north along the road passing Byron Place Shopping Centre on your left. Look across to the right for good views of Seaham Harbour.
(9) At the roundabout you can walk down to Seaham Harbour to explore the area with its cafes. Continue over the roundabout past the Marquess of Londonderry statue in front of the old police station to the green with its Tommy statue (E).