Parking at the Chindonne Inn (l'auberge de Chindonne) car park. Accessible by car from Monthey: take Choëx/Les Giettes route which winds uphill, walk past Giettes hamlet and continue towards Chindonne, end of the paved road.
Yellow indication signs provide direction and travel time information here and there. Up to point (3), you can equally follow "Valère" or "Chalin" directions. The first part of the itinerary follows the "tour des Dents de Midi".
Facing the Inn, locate a path to the right heading uphill and reaching a larger trail. Follow this trail getting to some chalets.
(1) When you get to a junction, take the trail to the left heading up to a wooded area. Ignore the start of a path on the left, you'll reach a small pass in the middle of shrubs.
(2) The trail swerves left and heads through undergrowth. Once out of the forest, reach an alpine chalet over-shadowed by la Dent de Valère to the south.
(3) Continue south on the main path: don't take the path to the right leading to pastures. Shortly after, ignore a path on the left and head to the ridge leading to the base of the Dent de Valère. The path loops around the Dent de Valère from the right heading up the hillside.
(4) Near the chalets, turn left (east). The slope steepens and after several bends the path reaches the foot of the Dent de valère to the southern side.
(5) Take the trail to the right (south-south-east) and walk on the ridge which is at first an aerial path on a slight slope. When the slope gets steeper the path is straight and to the right of the ridge. Climb up quite a rocky path following a few paint markings and cairns. You'll reach a flat ledge where the Chalin shelter is perched with the summit in the background.
(6) Follow the same route backwards for the trip down.