Start: Muncaster Castle and Estate car park along A595. Grid ref. SD 097 966
(S/E) From the car park take the footpath (North-North-East) crossing fields.
(1) At the intersection of paths, take right (South-West) and continue on this path until reaching a gate and a bigger path.
(2) At the intersection with Fell Lane, take left in the direction of Muncaster Tarn (North-East). Continue on this path until reaching Muncaster Tarn (Around 1 Km).
(3) Continue straight (North-East) passing Muncaster Tarn (the tarn should be on your left hand side) in the direction of Muncaster Fell following the main path.
(4) Once on Muncaster Fell you will have an open view over the Lake District summits. Continue straight on this path (North-East) until reaching Rabbit How, an intersection of paths and dry stone wall (around 3.3 Km).
(5) At the dry stone wall, take right (South-South-East), pass the gate to take the direction of Muncaster Head. Continue until reaching the farm.
(6) Once at Muncaster Head, take right (South-West) on the large path. Continue on this path for around 3 Km.
(7) After passing High Eskholme take the path on the right going up Ian's Wood Raw Crag (West). This path is indicated as the Esk Trail and goes up in the direction of Muncaster Tarn. The ascent is a bit steep. Continue on this path until reaching Muncaster Tarn back at waypoint (3) . Pass Muncaster Tarn (this time on your right-hand side) and take Fell Lane (South-West) to go back to the car park (S/E)