Start: Felldyke Car Park, Lamplugh, Workington (CA14 4SH). Grid ref. NY 085 198
(S/E) From the car park take the footpath between the car park and the house that goes up stairs (East). Once at the top of the stairs, go straight to take the large path with fields on both side. Continue on this large path until reaching Cogra Moss tarn (830 m or so).
(1) Continue straight (East) along the shore path (the tarn should be on your left hand side) until nearly reaching the end of the tarn (around 700 m).
(2) Leave the main path to take right (South) the path going up. The path is not really visible and is also steep.Continue on this path until reaching its end and arriving on a large forest track (Around 400 m).
(3) Take left (East) on the forest track. Continue on this large forest track that turn around Cogra Moss. The path will go down until reaching an intersection of paths after around 3.3 Km.
(4) Take slightly right on the path going down to the shore of Cogra Moss. Once again on the shore take right on the path to arrive at the beginning of the tarn. (1) Then take right to go on the large path going back to the car park. (S/E)