Stockclough Lane is a good place to park.
(S/E) Follow road south.
(1) Take track south-west off the main road between cottages. Take footpath west out of the wood into the field and down to the canal. Head west along treeline on edge of the canal then down to canal side via a stile. Take the path uphill away from the canal to the edge of farmland. Follow field boundary south under the motorway and along the west edge of Stanworth Wood.
(2) Take stile into the wood and follow the path down to the bridge at the bottom. Take the bridge over River Roddlesworth and follow the path up the opposite bank. Cross the stile at top of the ridge and take the path south-east. Cross bridge over the railway and take the path to the north of farm buildings.
(3) Take the path south through farm buildings then head south along a farm track. Turn west along the north side of hedge at the gate. Take stile in the field corner and head south along the east side of Red Lee wood. Take stile into Red Lee Wood and follow the path down to River Roddlesworth. Cross bridge and take track to road. Cross road and take footpath opposite up the incline and across the field to track. Take lane South to Hare and Hounds car park.
(4) Take path east along the north side of Rake Brook Reservoir. Take the footpath on the west side of Rake House and cross footbridge on the other side. Follow the path east through the wood to Dam wall of Roddlesworth Reservoir. Walk north across the dam wall and follow the path east on the north side of the wood.
(5) Take footpath northeast uphill towards Higher Hill farm. Head north through the paddock to lane on another side. Turn northeast towards Tower View Farm then north along the road to the west of Cheetham Buildings. Take footpath north on the west side of the cottages to Chapels Lane. Take road north past churchyard. Follow the road north then northeast to St Stephen's church. Turn north on road on the east side of the church. Follow footpath north on the east side of the hedge to a stile. Use stile to head north-west along the south side of the hedge.
(6) Cross over to the north side of hedge and head north-west towards the field corner. Exit field by a stile and follow the path through coppice to stream. Cross the footbridge and follow the path up the incline then north-west along the west side of the fence. Use stile to follow the path west between motorway and hedge. Follow Stockclough Lane north under M65 back to start.(S/E)