(S/E) Follow the road north to the track heading northeast off the main road. Plenty of parking on the main road in the village. Take track northeast towards farm building. Pass buildings on the west side then upslope to the dam. Cross dam wall and continue upslope to grassland. Footpath heads northeast to the stile near Bradley farm. After stile head northeast to the gate next to the barn.
(1) Head south on track part of Witton Weavers Way. Gateway on Weavers Way, take the path west along the fence to a stile at the junction with next fence. Cross the stile and follow the path along the east of tree line. Take stile down west to stream and cross bridge to track.
(2) Follow farm lane north and then south-west to Hare and Hounds pub. Footpath meets the track. Take track south-west towards the south end of Abbey Village.
(3) Track passes close to Hare and Hounds pub. Take track south-east around the north side of Rake Brook Reservoir before the main road. Lodge by the reservoir. Follow the path around lodge then east over the weir to Roddlesworth Reservoir. Follow the path north along the dam wall.
(4) At the north end of the dam wall follow the track east through wood along the north side of Roddlesworth Reservoir. Follow path south-east along the north side of Higher Roddlesworth Reservoir.
(5) Follow the track south along the west side of the stream. Follow the path south through the wood until reach paved track through the wood, 'Mill Lane'.
(6) Take 'Mill Lane' south to bridge over a stream. The path heads West towards A675, difficult to follow at times. Take road north to Abbeyville farm. Take farm track west to Abbeyville farm between farm buildings then across the field to gate on the west side.
(7) Take ill-defined footpath north-west towards the south end of the wood. Take path north-west along the line of wall to the well-defined track heading north. Take path west to the south end of Quarry. Follow path north-west around the quarry to Twistmoor Lane and head east to Dole Lane.
(8) Take road north back to Hare & Hounds in Abbey Village. Head north through the village back to start.(S/E)