(S/E) Park your car at Lydford Gorge waterfall entrance (click National Trust link in the section "useful information" below for more information ).
Pass the entrance gate, take the path on the left and go under the bridge. Keep going down on the main path following "White Lady waterfall" signpost. (leave the short way on your right).
(1) You are now close to the river. Then, you will pass a mine shaft and finally reach the stunning "White Lady" waterfall. From this point, cross the bridge behind you, and follow "Devil's Cauldron". (be careful, rocks are really slippery, hold children's hand or watch them along the whole gorge!)
(2) The path follows the river in a beautiful and quiet nature leading to a metallic footbridge over the river, then a small tunnel. Continue the path with a handrail along the river Lyd, then you will pass a new grey bridge on your right (leave it but remember you will use it on return). Go straight, cross a small wooden bridge, then a rusty concrete bridge.
(3) You are now on the other side of the river, go up a few steps and you will see the "warning sign" leading to Devils's cauldron entrance on your left. head the impressive footbridge over the gap in the gorge. Be careful, it can be really dangerous with children!)
(4) Go back to Devil's cauldron entrance, climb steps and follow the gorge becoming very narrow in this area. You will take another impressive footbridge over a gap passing under Lydford bridge. (Pay attention, the next part (way and return) is not very secured for children so you can avoid it and go back directly to the new grey bridge you passed before the cauldron) This path leads to Tucker's pool, a dead-end (no entry sign). Please, be careful, use the handrail on your way, it's very slippery and can be dangerous!
(5) Now, it's time to retrace your steps towards the new grey bridge. Cross it, and go up until a junction signpost.
(6) From this point close to children's play area, follow "Waterfall entrance 1/2 mile" arrow. This path in the forest is a succession of small steps and wooden bridges until a final one over "the beginning" of White Lady waterfall. Go under the bridge, then bear left and you are back to the car park.(S/E)