(S/E) From the front door of the Pelican Inn, cross the A4 (Bath Road) carefully and turn right along the pavement.
(1) Opposite the turning to Little Bedwyn, just in front of the “Welcome to West Berkshire” sign, turn left and climb the steps up the wooded bank.
Climb a stile into an over-grown corner of a field and walk up the hedge to a second stile.
Beyond, follow the edge of the field uphill.
(2) When the hedge bends left, follow the path straight on across the field. At the far side, turn left and follow the track along the edge of Cake Wood, with good views to your left and behind you.
(3) At the end of the wood, by a waymark within sight of the lane ahead, the right of way officially turns right and skirts round a field surrounded by woodland; an unofficial short-cut leads straight on, directly to Littlecote road.
Whichever route you choose, when you reach the lane, turn left (downhill).
(4) Follow the lane for half a mile to reach the A4 next to the Somerset Hospital. Turn right if you wish to explore the village, otherwise turn left to return to the Pelican Inn. (S/E)