(S/E) From the car park just south of Rail/Canal Junction Bridge at Gt Bedwyn, go through the entrance and turn left. Cross the bridge with care (no pavement), walk on the left, pass ‘Fairfield’ on the left carry on to staggered junction.
(1) Turn left into Church Sreet, (‘Beam Engines/Windmill’ on the fingerpost in the centre of the junction), passing the Post Office on the right-hand side; note the frieze on the gable end of the Post Office.
Pass Granary Road, at the far corner of the church wall, turn left (East-South-East) through the gate by the fingerpost sign posted ‘Bedwyn Brail’. Carry on through the kissing gate to cross the railway tracks.
(2) Cross both footbridges and turn right on a towpath with the canal on your right for approx 2Km. Pass Lock 62 and then through 3 gates, turn right (North-East) cross over bridge 100, and both railway tracks through the gates.
Carry on along the lane to a junction, turn left (West) passing two thatched cottages on the right hand side. At the grass triangle bear left (South-West) around the bend to the Crofton Pumping Station. (Q1)
(3) Continue on the lane around the bend, over the railway bridge and immediately after the canal bridge, turn left (East) through the white gate onto a towpath. Ahead with the canal on your left, pass lock 59. At lock 60, turn right (South-East) by the black pole over the footbridge onto a footpath with the river on your right-hand side.
Bear right at the fork on an enclosed footpath. Keep right on the wide path with the river off to your right, to reach a bench by the river bank. (Q2) Continue along the right-hand side of fields to a double telegraph pole by a redbrick house, turn right to Grafton road.
(4) Turn left (South-East) with a pond on your right-hand side through the village, bear left at The Swan. Continue uphill, straight on at a junction signposted ‘Gt Bedwyn and Wilton Windmill’. Bear right at the fork sign posted ‘Windmill’ to Granary car park.
From the car park cross the road towards the windmill, through a gate along the vehicle track to the gate in front of windmill. (Alternative Start) Enter the enclosure through the gate. (Q3) Retrace your steps to the lane, turn right and follow the lane around the sweeping left-hand bend to a junction.
(5) Turn left (North-North-West) on the byway by the large black and white post. At the fingerpost, turn right (East) on the bridleway towards ‘Gt Bedwyn’. Pass a bench on your right, bear right (South-East) at the fingerpost, and in 30m at the next fingerpost, turn left (North) on a gravel track signposted ‘Great Bedwyn’. Continue on the gravel track to the next fingerpost with two benches and two wooden columns. (Q4)
(6) Carry on towards Gt Bedwyn on the gravel track, passing a green roofed hut on your right. At the next junction, carry straight on, on the gravel track passing a three-way fingerpost on your left and a 2nd three-way fingerpost on the right. Through the kissing gate ahead, after 10m turn right along field edge.
(7) At the corner, turn left to way-marker, turn right through trees and kissing gate onto enclosed footpath. Pass a large black shed on your right to a gravel drive, turn left to the road (Book Street).
(8) Cross with care, bear left at the fingerpost on the bridleway towards ‘Frogmore ½’ across two drives onto an enclosed bridleway. Ignore the path from the left and at the concrete lane turn right. Bear left at sewage works towards the lock.
(9) Cross the canal at footbridge by the lock gates. (Q5) Over the next footbridge, through the kissing gate into a field and turn left. Keep to the left-hand side, bear right at the wooden rail over the footbridge to the kissing gate.
(10) Cross the railway tracks through the kissing gate opposite onto the enclosed footpath to a car park. Turn right, bearing left to the road, turn left on the pavement. Around the bend and pass Bedwyn railway station, at the end of the road turn left. (For the Three Tuns PH turn right for 300m). Cross the bridges with care and return to the carpark just south of Rail/Canal Junction Bridge at Gt Bedwyn. (S/E)