(S) With the Floaters Mill Pub, behind you turn left and walk up the A1052 towards Fencehouses.
(1) Just before the road junction turn left onto the footpath and follow this straight ahead until you reach Lambton Lane.
Cross the road and continue to follow the path in a north-easterly direction. When the path branches bear left following the path in a northerly direction until you reach Chester Road (A183).
(2) Walk under Chester Road, turning left along the edge of the road. Go straight ahead. When you reach the track, turn right and follow this bearing right onto the footpath at the fork through Biddick Woods. Go straight ahead, the path will run alongside the Washington Highway and then around the slip road taking you under the Washington Highway at Chatershaugh Bridge.
(3) Stay on the footpath straight ahead which runs behind the houses and emerges onto West Bridge Street then Station Road.
(4) At the junction, cross the road into East Bridge Street. At the end of East Bridge Street, turn left onto the riverside path.
Follow this past Mount Pleasant Park, the River Wear will be on your left and Mount Pleasant Lake on your right. Continue walking following the river passing underneath the Victoria Viaduct until you reach Cox Green.
(5) If you are continuing to the next stage of the Weardale Way, continue on this side of the river.
If you are finishing this stage cross the Cox Green footbridge to the north bank of the River Wear and turn left onto the footpath crossing the Wear river then left again following the Wear River backwards.
(6) From the Model Cow, follow the access road under the Victoria Viaduct and carry on along the river back to East Bridge at Fatfield.(E)