Bournmoor to Chester-Le-Street - Way of Learning

This 8th section of the Way of Learning follows the meandering route of Lumley Park Burn from Bournmoor to the River Wear at Chester-le-Street. The majority of the walk is through woodland, Lumley Park Wood, circles Lumley Castle finishing at the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert in Chester-le-Street centre.

This walk is part of a multi-day hike: The Way of Learning - Jarrow to Durham

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
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    Distance: 5.89 km
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    Calculated time: 1h 45 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: No
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    Vertical gain: + 23 m
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    Vertical drop: - 42 m

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    Highest point: 52 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 6 m

Description de la randonnée

Start: Floater's Mill Pub, Bournmoor (DH4 6BQ) Grid ref. NZ 310 507

(S) From the Floater's Mill Pub, cross the road (A1052) and go through the wooden kissing gate opposite (look for the Saints' Trails marker. Continue North-West along the bank of Lumley Park Burn on your right. After 400m, take the right-hand path continuing to follow the burn.

(1) The path will join Forge Lane underneath the A1(M), turn left and follow Forge Lane uphill (South) to the roundabout. Turn right (North) passing between the houses and continue on past the garages on your right. The path will swing left past some allotment gardens along the edge of the treeline and then into the woods. You will cross Lumley Park Burn again (in a culvert) and then reach the edge of the treeline (around 215 m).

(2) Turn left keeping the treeline to your left (South-West). The path will then go into the woods again, first South-West then swinging aroung to the North-West. The burn will be on your left now.

(3) The path will join an access road running around Lumley Castle at a bridge over Lumley Park Burn, turn right (North) and follow the road around the back of Lumley Castle keeping the burn on your left. You will pass Garden House on your left and then go through the kissing gate in front of you. The path continues to follow the burn but bends to the left.

(4) When the path meets an intersecting path, turn left (South) and walk down over the stone bridge crossing Lumley Park Burn. Keep left walking alongside the burn until you reach the River Wear, bear left around the golf course. When you reach the car park turn left and walk along the main access road (Ropery Lane) in front of Lumley Castle until you reach New Lumley Road. Turn right and cross the bridge.

(5) At the roundabout, turn right into Chester Park, walking Northwards to the Riverside Cafe and Bowling Greens. Follow the path left alongside the bowling green.

(6) Exit the park via the footbridge over Park Road Central and onto Roman Avenue. Continue Westwards along Roman Avenue passing Park View School and Cestria Primary School. At the mini roundabout, turn right (North) on to Church Chare ending the walk at St Mary and St Cuthbert's Church (E).


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 38 m - Floaters Mill Pub
  2. 1 : km 1.2 - alt. 40 m - Bridge/A1(M)
  3. 2 : km 2.32 - alt. 45 m - Path Junction
  4. 3 : km 3.04 - alt. 26 m - Bridge
  5. 4 : km 3.82 - alt. 18 m - Stone Bridge
  6. 5 : km 4.89 - alt. 11 m - Roundabout
  7. 6 : km 5.31 - alt. 14 m - Footbridge
  8. E : km 5.88 - alt. 22 m - St Mary and St Cuthbert's Church, Chester-le-St.

Practical information

Start: Floater's Mill Pub, Bournmoor (DH4 6BQ) Grid ref. NZ 310 507

Transport: There are a number of car parks around Church Chare, but check as some are long stay and some short stay (2 hour maximum stay). The bus to the start of the walk goes from the Lambton Arms, from the church, walk down Middle Chare, you should see the Lambton Arms in front of you. Take bus 78 Country Ranger towards Sunderland getting off at Bournmoor Primrose Hill (next stop after Floater's Mill and roundabout). There are a few parking spaces next to the Old Fire Station (new housing development) opposite the Floater's Mill, or ask if you can park in the pub car park should you wish to eat there on your return.

Facilities: The Floater's Mill does food, Lumley Castle is a good place to stop for a cup of tea. There is a cafe and public toilets in Chester Park and numerous cafes, restaurants and takeaways in Chester-le-Street itself. Public toilets can be found at the Foundary Lane Long Stay Car Park.

Accessibility: This route has kissing gates, steep slopes and mixed terrain including dirt paths which can be muddy after rain.

Accommodation: There are a number of hotels in the area including the Lambton Arms at the end of the walk, Travel Lodge, Lambton Worm pub, and of course Lumley Castle.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.