(S/E) From Station Road car park turn right (northeast) up Station Road and walk to the junction turning right (south) into Newbottle Street. This is the main shopping area and the cafes can be found here.
(1) Turn left at the White Lion pub into Sunderland Street. Walk along Sunderland Street until you reach the rear of Weatherspoons (The Wild Boar), turn right (northeast) along the paved area and then under the A690, there is a path around the roundabout and a subway with ramp. From the roundabout, walk up Lake Road (east).
(2) Turn right into Nesham Place (southwest). Some of the older houses line this street. When you reach the cross roads, note Houghton Hall on the corner. Continue straight on into Church Street and cross the bridge over the A690 (west).
If you are able, enter the churchyard via the steps to your right. If you cannot use the steps, continue down Church Street, turn right and then enter the churchyard through the archway and up the ramp. Here you will find the Church of St Michael and All Angels, along with Almshouses and Kepier Hall, once Kepier Grammar School.
(3) When you have finished exploring the buildings around the church, leave via the archway and cross the road. Enter Rectory Park, the Old Rectory will be on your right. At the fork in the path, take the right-hand diagonal path across the park. At the end, turn right and exit the park. Note: this gateway may be too narrow for large wheelchairs, if this is the case, leave the park via the main entrance you came in by, turn left onto The Broadway and continue to the Britannia Inn. Turn left here and continue down the path until you reach the narrow gate to the park.
Turn left onto Burn Promenade, cross Wheler Street and continue on the footpath opposite. This will bring you back to the Miner's Welfare Hall on your left and the Station Road car park on your right(S/E).