Start: St Michael and all Angels Church, Houghton-le-Spring (DH4 4DN) Grid ref. NZ 341 498
(S) From the church, cross the road and enter the park walking West passing the Old Rectory on your right. At the end of the building, bear right diagonally across the park (North-West). On reaching the children's play area, leave the park and take the path on your left which runs along the fence around the play area and into Thornhill Street. Continue walking West along the street which becomes Gilpin Street. When Gilpin Street bends to the right, continue straight ahead on the footpath which runs along the front of the bungalows.
(1) At the end of the path you will reach a road, Greenwood Avenue, turn left (South-East) and walk down the path at the side of the Aged Miner's Homes. Turn right (West) onto Dairy Lane (A1052). Cross the road and turn into Ninelands (South). When Ninelands bends to the left, turn right and follow the path between the houses (West) and cross the stile. Continue to follow this path across the field.
(2) On reaching the fork in the path at Rainton Burn, bear left and cross the footbridge. Follow the hedgeline to your right first South-West then North-West and then South-West again, Red Burn should be on your right and a pond on your left. At the far side of the field, cross the stile onto the B1284. Turn right (North-West).
(3) Cross the road and turn left into Blackboy Road.
(4) After 615 m or so, when you reach Blackboy Bridge, walk down the grass slope at the left-hand side of the bridge onto the cycle path below. Turn right and walk underneath the bridge continuing North. After 700 m or so, a wooded area will be to your left. When you reach the allotments on your right, look for a path to your left through the woods (West) to Morton House.
Alternative Route: At the time of writing building work was going on at the Blackboy Bridge and it is not clear if the access point will continue to be available. If not accessible, continue along Blackboy Road over the bridge to the Chiltern Lodge, turn right and follow Newbottle Lane first north and then east until it meets the cycle path. Alternatively, continue walking past the Chiltern Lodge and take the next right onto the bridleway which will bring you to Morton House.
(5) Turn right at Morton House cottages joining the access road and continuing North. The road will emerge on Front Street opposite Burnside Working Mens Club, turn left walking along the A1052.
(6) After passing Burnmoor Scout Hall on your right, take the next path on your right (North-East). Cross the footbridge over Lumley Park Burn and bear left. Keep left and take the path running parallel to Lumley Park Burn which will be on your left until you reach the A1052 again, turn left and finish the walk at the Floater's Mill pub (E).