(S) From the rear of Lumley Castle take the path leading south, then take the path which doubles back on itself over a bridge. Once across the bridge turn right, you should have Lumley Park Burn on your right, walk through the woodland. You will be on the Way of Learning Trail/Weardale Way so look out for the markers for these trails.
(1) The track turns north east, ignore the path to the right for the Weardale Way or Way of Learning, you will rejoin this further along. Continue past the holiday cottages following the path left and right until it passes underneath the A1(M).
(2) At the end of the track turn right (south) and look for a footpath to your right through the trees. This will exit at the base of the bridge carrying the A1(M). Cross the bridge over Lumley Park Burn and then take the path to your left, you will now be back on the Way of Learning route and following an easterly direction. Follow this path alongside the Burn until it emerges at the Floater's Mill. Go through the gate.
(3) At the Floaters Mill, turn right and walk along the road (Front Street) into Fencehouses.
(4) Turn right at Morton Grange Terrace onto the bridlepath. Just beyond this junction is the War Memorial if you wish to see that before taking the bridlepath.
(5) When you reach Morton House keep left and follow the bridlepath around the back of the property. At the far side you will see a driveway to your right, keep on the southerly bridlepath which will emerge onto Black Boy Road by the Chiltern County Club (closed at the time of writing). Turn left onto Black Boy Road.
(6) Cross the road and follow the bridlepath to your right (southeat). This is signposted with a faded wooden sign which says Rainton Meadows, Rainton Bridge and West Rainton. You will pass under a bridge but the path will remain heading in a southeasterly direction.
(7) On reaching the path junction, turn left and go through the kissing gate into Rainton Meadows Nature Reserve, you will be following the Heron Route through the reserve. Pass the pond on your right and cross the footbridge. Turn left passing two further ponds on your left. Follow the path around to your right to the car park and visitor centre (E).