Start: The Wellington Arms, Baughurst (RG26 5LP) Grid ref SU 584 604
(S/E) Return back up the road (North) for 100 yds and take the bridleway on the left, which brings you out onto a metalled lane in 700 yds.
(1) Turn right then shortly left onto another metalled lane that changes into a grassy bridleway.
(2) When this turns to the right, turn left through a metal gate onto a curious footpath that descends through a narrow wood to another metal gate.
(3) Go very sharp left through yet another metal gate. The footpath continues with a wood on the right, then crosses the open field to a stile at the entrance to a wood. Go down some steps to a footbridge over a small stream. (This is not the footpath on the map - you will pass near this later).
(4) Now bear right as the footpath continues through woods for some 300 yds, emerging into a field. Cross this to a metal farm gate, then turn left to an almost adjacent similar gate. Through this turn immediately right onto a footpath.
(5) Ignore a right fork, go up through a slightly boggy area through a wooden gate and follow the grassy path near a left hand field boundary to a road. Turn right for a few yards to Hillside Farm.
(6) Then take the footpath on the left. Keep near the right-hand side of the field, through a narrow section, and then into another field that leads to a farmyard. Go down a short track to a metalled lane. Turn right for 100yds before taking the footpath to the left. Follow this as it appears to be the drive to a red brick house.
(7) Take the marked turn left over a footpath near an ornamental pond and a summer house. Go through a wooden door and follow the path near the left-hand side of fields, crossing a gravel track from Church Farm on the left, and in a further 500 yds fork left into a boggy lane that comes out in the pub car park.(S/E)