Start: The Mole, Monk Sherborne (RG26 5HS) Grid ref. SU 608 567
(S/E) Go out of the car park and turn right for 200yds, then go left into Kiln Lane. After passing a small housing estate the lane becomes rough surfaced, then concrete, then muddy, passing round a metal gate before emerging into a field.
(1) At the end, go right along a crossing tack and follow this for nearly 1000yds when it kinks right then left into another field. Go right to follow the field boundary uphill for 300yds, then fork left to cross a cultivated field. This footpath goes downhill then right.
(2) Over a small footbridge, then left to reach a metalled lane by a double width metal farm gate.
(3) Go right up the lane for some 800yds passing over the crossroads by a church.
(4) In another 150yds take the footpath on the right. In 200yds this goes half left, and follow this for 400yds.
(5) Then go sharp right on another footpath to reach a road in a further 500yds. Take the left fork, White Hart Lane, and pass the White Hart, an alternative starting/finishing point for this walk.
(6) Shortly turn right in the village, then left for 350yds along Pamber Road.
(7) Go right down a bridle path that can be very muddy in wet weather then left to Rawlins Farm and to the right of the paddocks past a row of walnut trees to a wood. Shortly to the right is a footbridge over a stream into the wood.
(8) Go forward ignoring a turning to the left and then through more open country till you come out on the road opposite Kiln Lane. Go left for the pub. (S/E)