YHA hopping in The Lake District - Staveley Station to YHA Patterdale

The YHA is a great institution and I guess most fell walkers have stayed at a hostel at some time in their lives. Funny how they were created "to help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside, particularly by providing hostels or other simple accommodation for them on their travels". Here's a collection of routes starting or finishing at a YHA in The Lakes. Along the way are 8 Wainwrights, 4 tarns and 1 pub.

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 28.62 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 11h 50 
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    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 1,288 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 1,230 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 827 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 99 m

Description de la randonnée

(S) Staveley Station where the train will drop you and from there walk north into the village on Station Road. Keep straight on at the crossroad following Silver Street up to the church (Chip shop on the right, along Main Street). At Brow Lane, turn left (maybe a quick visit to the Parish Church of Saint James). Follow Brow Lane past the school and past half a dozen houses with gardens at the front, until you see a Public Footpath sign on the right to head up a sloping tarmacked road that heads up to Kemp Tarn. Follow the path along Reston Scar, heading almost due west then turns to head north again. This will take you to a high piece of ground, then leave the path to head north-west to pick up a track about 200 yards further down. Turn right along the track and head for Williamson's Monument on High Knott. From there, head down almost north-west to pick up a lane coming up from The Heights farm. Turn right along this lane, ignoring a small road off to the right, until you reach a junction. Bear right along this new lane and then turn right at the next junction. This should take you past Mickle Moss, over Park Beck and drop gently into Kentmere. Bear right at Kentmere Hall to go along Hodgson Brow to reach St. Cuthbert's church at the crossroads of the village.

(1) From the crossroads at Kentmere, go north along Hollin Lane until you reach a gate and a plaque in the wall saying "Hartrigg". Turn left past The Grove and up to a Public Footpath sign on the left. Ignore this and carry on along the road until you reach a second Public Footpath sign on the right, just in front of a couple of houses. Here, turn right and follow the path round to the left under Goat House Scar and Crabtree Brow to reach the Garburn Pass. Keep climbing up until you reach a T-junction. The main track heads over Garburn Nook to Limefitt Caravan Park and Troutbeck but the route goes right, climbing up Buck Crag and eventually reaching Yoke (Wainwright at 706m).

(2) From the cairn at the summit of Yoke there are good views of Kentmere Reservoir down to the right. Keep heading north along the ridge to reach the cairns at Ill Bell (Wainwright at 757m). From here, head north-west down off the summit, then follow the well-defined path up to Froswick (Wainwright at 720m). Again, head off north-west, dropping down to the level ground before climbing again to reach High Street. At the fork in the path, take the left option to climb up to the beacon on Thornthwaite Crag (Wainwright at 784m).

(3) From Thornthwaite Crag, head down the gentle slope to the east, then turn north-east to rejoin High Street (Wainwright at 828m). Take a deviation to the right to touch the trig point and get a good view of Blea Water to the east, then carry on along the wide track to the Straights of Riggindale, from where Hayeswater is visible down to the left. Ignore the path that leads off right to Kidsty Pike, continuing on to the cairn on the top of The Knott (Wainwright at 739m). The Coast-to-Coast route runs past here but our route heads down off the summit to follow a dry stone wall north-west over Well Gill and up to the top of Rest Dodd (Wainwright at 696m). Descend from the summit north-west, turning south-west to join the main path just below Satura Crag. Go round to the right under Buck Crag to go gently down to Angle Tarn.

(4) Go along the eastern shore of Angle Tarn, then take the right hand path to climb up to Angletarn Pikes (Wainwright at 567m). Go south-west from the summit to meet the main path as it heads north-west. This will lead you to Stony Rigg and Rake Crag before reaching Boredale Hause. The path swings left to cross Stonebarrow Gill then right to head for Rooking. Just below the disused quarry, pick up the road that heads down to Patterdale. Cross over the bridge that spans Goldrill Beck and turn right along the main A 592 to reach The White Lion Inn. The visit to the pub could be postponed until after dinner, so at the bridge turn left and in about 100 yards you should arrive at YHA Patterdale.(E)


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 104 m - Stavely Station
  2. 1 : km 9.58 - alt. 171 m - Kentmere
  3. 2 : km 14.72 - alt. 702 m - Yoke
  4. 3 : km 18.19 - alt. 779 m - Thornthwaite Crag
  5. 4 : km 24.65 - alt. 495 m - Angle Tarn
  6. E : km 28.62 - alt. 155 m - YHA Patterdale

Practical information

Stavely is a good place to get some food and drink if you haven't brought enough on the train. There are a number of streams and springs along the route to fill your bottle. In bad weather, trust your compass and don't stray off the main route.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.