Start : Bridge at the junction A4 and A4094, Maidenhead. Grid ref. SU 967 771
(S) Turn left (East), cross the river. Turn left over the bridge, built by Sir Robert Taylor in 1772. At Thames Path sign.
(1) Turn left and left again under the bridge. Pass the rowing club and go under Brunel's famous railway bridge. The arch spans are thought to be the longest and flattest in the world.
Soon the grand riverside properties of Bray come into view across the water, one of which is the renowned Waterside Hotel.
(2) Go past Bray lock and under the noisy M4. Pass through the garden area at Dorney Reach.
(3) Immediately after the white gate turn left into the alley to Dorney Reach Rd. Turn left and follow the road round to the right and into Harcourt Road through a residential area. At the road, cross and turn right past the bus stop. Bearlett.
(4) Turn left on the cycleway to reach the bank of the Jubilee River. This artificial river, built to ease the flooding problems a Maidenhead, is a modern wonder of the world. It passes under a motorway, three roads and a railway and is a sanctuary for wildlife. Turn right beside the river.
(5) At Lake End Rd turn right for refreshments at the garden centre or for something stronger the Pineapple pub is across the bridge. Otherwise, keep ahead and cross the road and car park to the wetlands area where there is a variety of wildlife.
(6) At a major cross track turn right then left onto a higher path. The path to the top of the hill leads to a viewpoint of Windsor Castle and a plaque commemorating the completion of the river project in 2002 unveiled by, appropriately, the Duke of York. 6) Re-join the lower path beside the river.
(7) At cross track after the weir turn right on the bridleway which becomes a cycleway across Eton Wick.
(8) Keep to the cycleway as it turns left at the end of the green into Alma Rd and turns right at T-junction to reach the main street in Eton Wick.
(9) Continue on the cycleway across the road and bear left behind houses.
(10) Turn right at the path junction to reach the Thames towpath.
(11) Turn left and, cutting the corner where the river bends sharply, go under the A355 and the railway bridge.
Here Windsor Castle, glimpsed several times along the walk, presents itself in all its glory, with the royal swans milling in the foreground to complete the picture. At Eton main street Eton College and the College Chapel are to the left.
(12) Turn right over the footbridge into Windsor. Turn left for the Riverside Station, cross the road and keep ahead for Windsor Castle and the Central Station Eton College. (E)