Start: St Mary and St Cutbert's Church, Church Chare, Chester-le-Street (nearby postcode DH3 3QB) Grid ref. NZ 275 512
(S) From the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert, walk North along Church Chare. At the bend in the road, enter the park and bear left walking towards the trees. On reaching the circular path turn left and then right (East) at the next path junction, exiting onto the road. Turn left along Cone Terrace.
(1) On your left will be a gap between the terraced houses, opposite (on your right) this is a public footpath which doubles back, take this path and walk alongside Chester Burn on your left. Follow the path under Park Road Central (A167), then take then continue Eastwards with Chester Burn still on your left. On reaching the River Wear turn right (South) and follow the banks of the Wear until you reach Lumley New Road Bridge. Turn right and walk to the road.
(2) Turn left (South-East) and cross the bridge, turning into Lumley Castle driveway. Turn left through the car park and rejoin the riverside path, turning left again (South) to walk back under the bridge you have just crossed. Continue walking South-Eastwards along the riverbank, Durham County Cricket Ground will be across the river. After approximately 400m the path will turn away from the river.
(3) Cross the stile and the access road which leads to the pumping station, cross the stile at the other side of the road. The path continues through the trees then exits at the edge of a field, continue walking Southwards to the corner of the field. The path turns left (East) to continue around the edge of the field.
(4) Cross the stile and turn right (South). Continue unitl you reach Lumley where the path turns left around the end of the field to the wooden art sculpture at Back Lane.
(5) Turn right onto Back Lane and follow the road around the bend. Turn right (South) into Cambridge Drive. Follow the road around to the left.
(6) Look out for Exeter Close on your left, opposite this you should see a footpath heading South on your right-hand side. Cross the road and take this path Southwards. You will emerge onto Cocken Lane, turn right continue walking South until you reach Cocken Road.
(7) Turn left (East) and cross the road. Either take the steps down to the River Wear or take the woodland path, turning right at the bottom to reach the footbridge. Cross the footbridge to Finchale Priory. (E)