(S/E) From The Kings Head, walk down the drive past the swings to the road, and turn right.
(1) Follow The Green road round to the left and walk parallel to the stream for 100 yards. When the main road turns right, keep straight on down Chapel Lane. Follow the lane round to the right past University Farm, and at the end skirt to the right of the last house.
(2) Beyond a gate, turn left along the edge of the field, then bear right along a sidestream of the River Evenlode, ignoring a footbridge on your left. A kissing gate leads to a narrow path between the river and a water treatment works.
After a couple of fields, the riverside path leads behind gardens to emerge by Barrington Mill. Cross over and turn right, crossing again when the pavement switches sides. At a junction turn left, signposted Foscot and Idbury.
(3) Beyond a stream, turn left at the entrance to Foscot Farm and follow the Oxfordshire Way through a hand-gate on your left before the cattle grid. Beyond a further hand-gate turn right and follow the obvious path for a little over half a mile, passing to the right of two woods.
At the end of the second wood, turn left and walk down the hedge to a ditch, which you follow to the right. Near the end of the field, bear right into woodland and cross a bridleway, leaving the Oxfordshire Way.
(4) Join a driveway and keep to the right of a series of properties before going through a gate into a field; go through a gate at the end of the field into the woods. Follow the bridleway beyond.
At a fork, go through a wooden barrier (right), and follow the waymarked Wildlife Walk beyond. After a couple of hundred metres arrive at a crossroads with a bridleway and a bench. Turn right and follow the bridleway through and out of the woods.
(5) Leave the wood and walk down the field edge to the road. Turn left and then turn right onto a footpath just before the first house in Bould.
Go through a series of gates then cross to a gate and footbridge in a hedge before heading across a field back to the road through a gate in the hedge.
(6) Turn left along the road briefly before taking a footpath on the left just before the signs for Foscote. Cross the field (or follow the right-hand field edge if the line is not obvious) to a gap in the hedge, then go through a gate and descend right of a group of trees to a footbridge over Westcote Brook.
(7) Bear left to meet a hedge, which you follow to join a hedged track leading towards Bledington. At a gate marked “Private”, turn right.
(8) Walk through the cemetery and past the church, and at the road turn left to return to the village green and The Kings Head. (S/E)