(S) From the southern end of Fountain Head car park, follow the new path which continues along the dunes for a short time before joining the main footpath along Links road (A193).
Continue along the roadside footpath.
(1) After crossing the bridge turn left into Collywell Bay Road opposite St Paul's Church.
Turn left opposite the Waterford Arms and walk towards the Kings Arms pub. The footbridge to your left will take you across to Rocky Island where you will find the Watch House Museum. After visiting the island, return to the Kings Arms.
Take the footpath to the right of the pub, turn right and walk along West Terrace.
At the end of West Terrace, take the footpath along Collywell Bay Road, the footpath on the left-hand side of the road is narrow so you may want to cross the road where the footpath is wider.
When you reach the bench on the left-hand side of the road, cross back across and go through the gap in the wall.'' Note there is a dangerous cliff sign here, keep to the main footpath and if you deem the path too dangerous, return to the main road footpath.
(2) Further down Collywell Bay Road you will see a gate to your left, go through the gate onto the good footpath, this will join the narrow one across the cliff tops at Crag Point.''
Follow this new footpath around the headland (you will have a good view of St Mary's Lighthouse from here), carry on past Old Hartkey caravan park to a small car park.
(3) Cross the car park and continue following the path on the opposite side.
(4) Follow this footpath, keeping the left-hand side all the way to St Mary's Lighthouse, you may have to stop at the causeway if the tide is in, turn right to the car park or to continue onto the next stage of the walk.