Park your car in Clement's Lane car park (East side of Codden Hill).
(S/E) Go through the gate (yellow arrow) ascending the large rocky path for 450 metres. Ignore a path on your right and continue straight next to the open meadow which leads to a monument.
(1) At the top, the 360° view is worth a look! You can see nices valleys, Bishop's Tawton below and Barnstaple on clear days. Go past the monument (a pillar in memory of Caroline Thorpe), descend the grassy path along the fence on your left for one kilometre and bear immediately right to the small path when you reach a large gate on your left. Go slightly down this path across the meadow until you reach a junction next to the woods.
(2) Bear right and follow straight this gravel path along the woods for almost one mile. When you join the fork with a small path on the left, bear right ascending the quite steep ascent for 300 metres.
(3) At the next junction, bear left going down the path.
(4) When you reach another junction, ignore the path to "Lakes" on your left but follow straight the final ascent which leads to the car park.(S/E)