Crook Standish Circular

Technical sheet

Last update:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 9.68 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 05 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Not specified

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 101 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 101 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 116 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 34 m


Start the plot by indicating the starting point. If you know the exact car parking situation, please explain how to park.
If we can access the starting point with public transports, please explain the lines to use and share any useful informations.

(S) From here, describe the instructions to follow from the starting point.

Add waypoints by clicking on the map.

The plot has to end by the location where the walk finishes. If it is a loop please write (S/E) at the end of the description. If it is a one way route write (E).


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 34 m - Take path North between sports ground and overflow car park
  2. 2 : km 0.24 - alt. 38 m - 02Pitch End =>Follow path as it turns East (right)
  3. 3 : km 0.39 - alt. 44 m - 03Frodshum Barn =>Turn NW (left) off tarmac track to follow path beside entrance to Frodshum Barn. Path bears West (left) infront of small war memorial.
  4. 4 : km 0.99 - alt. 36 m - 04Birley Pond =>Take path North beside Birley pond into Birley Wood
  5. 5 : km 1.42 - alt. 49 m - 05Birley Wood =>Continue North on path into Elnup Wood
  6. 6 : km 1.95 - alt. 64 m - 06Elnup Wood =>Continue on path through Elnup Wood as is bears NW (left) in front of Elnup Cottages.
  7. 7 : km 2.19 - alt. 66 m - 07Mill Brook =>After crossing over Mill Brook turn sharply NE (right) along gently ascending footpath passing site of catholic retreat.
  8. 8 : km 3.23 - alt. 113 m - 08Beach Walk =>Just before school and house turn SE (right) along Beech Walk path.
  9. 9 : km 3.73 - alt. 116 m - 09Prospect Rd =>Leave Prospect Rd to follow farm track South.
  10. 10 : km 4.12 - alt. 101 m - 10Bridleway =>Turn East (left) onto bridleway and follow it as it curves past Wakefields Farm and around South side of houses.
  11. 11 : km 4.87 - alt. 86 m - 11Wakefield Crescent =>Follow Wakefield Crescent South (right). At End of road continue along footpath on South side of field boundary.
  12. 12 : km 5.58 - alt. 76 m - 12Boers Head =>On reaching Boers Head Wood take track NE (left) to Wigan Rd.
  13. 13 : km 5.83 - alt. 75 m - 13Wigan Road =>Turn South (right) to take road through Gridlaw Cemetery.
  14. 14 : km 6.44 - alt. 65 m - 14Gridlow End =>Turn East (left) taking path towards rail line.
  15. 15 : km 6.61 - alt. 65 m - 15Railtrack =>Turn South (right) to follow path initially parallel to railtrack then bearing SW (right) before reaching green security fence. Follow this fence South (left).
  16. 16 : km 7.02 - alt. 57 m - 16Green Gate =>Follow track heading West (right) through gateway in green security fence and cross Gidlow Lane.
  17. 17 : km 7.48 - alt. 56 m - 17Overbeck =>Continue NW on pathway between houses.
  18. 18 : km 7.9 - alt. 53 m - 18Standish Wood Lane =>Turn NW (right) onto Standish Wood Lane and follow lane past Giants Hall.
  19. 19 : km 8.62 - alt. 75 m - 19Speckled Holly =>Turn SW (left) along track in front of Speckled Holly cottage. Upon reaching Lower Wood Farm continue SW along footpath besdie field boundary.
  20. 20 : km 9.16 - alt. 44 m - 20Alders =>Turn NW (right) along raised track.
  21. 21 : km 9.29 - alt. 44 m - 21Frodshum Again =>Turn SW (left) in front of Frodshum Barn along wide track.
  22. 22 : km 9.44 - alt. 38 m - 22Training Pitches =>Follow path as it turns South (left) between football pitches.
  23. S/E : km 9.68 - alt. 34 m - 23The End =>All done, back at start.

Practical information

Always stay careful and alert while following a route. Visorando and the author of this walk cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident during this route.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.