(S) Set out from the Luminy university campus. Head due south toward the sea, along the stoney lane (which quickly turns into a track) which runs alongside the School of Art and Architecture towards Sugiton cove.
(1) From Sugiton saddle go to the "Belvédère de Sugiton" viewpoint (2) (superb views over the Calanques) and then retrace your steps.
Drop down to Sugiton cove (3). Enjoy the explosion of colour: blues, greens, and emeralds. Skirt around the cove to the right, taking the long-distance footpath (red and white waymarks). Climb the ladder, and a little further on, climb down over a large, relatively smooth rock. Continue on to Morgiou harbour.
(4) Walk round the harbour and climb up the other side toward the long rocky promontory. On arriving at the saddle go to the end of the promontory to see the cliffs of Triperie cove and then retrace your steps (5).
Climb Renard hill and continue to the intersection of paths (the "Carrefour"). Go about a hundred metres left to take a photo of Sormiou cove and then return(6).
Descend towards Morgiou again and climb back up to Luminy and the car park (E).