The path is divided into 5 sections varying from 11.1 to 14.75 miles. The route instructions can be printed off as a whole or as an addition to each section.
At some places along the path, there are small diversions, away from the main route, to visit places I believe to be relevant. I have included these as options and give instructions and maps, but it is your choice if you decide to use them or not.
Overall, the route is mainly flat and easy underfoot. Though in some places, especially the second visit to Runnymede and the descent of Coopers Hill, take great care when wet. Ensure at all times you put your own and others safety first. Study the weather forecast and dress appropriately, yet always be prepared for any circumstances. Let friends and family know what you are doing and stay in contact with them for updates on your progress. If by chance you pass through a field with animals (I didn't come across any), then avoid walking between livestock and their young.
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