Start : Windsor Castle (SL4 1NJ) Grid ref. SU 967 769
(S) From Windsor Castle go along the High St and pass under the arches of the 17th Century Guildhall. Soon after John the Baptist Church cross into Park St, pass the Two Brewers and go through Park St Gate into Windsor Great Park.
(1) Turn right onto the magnificent Long Walk which sweeps up to the Copper Horse 2.5 miles away. Originally planted with elm trees in the late 18th century it is now lined with a double row of London planes and horse
chestnut trees.
(2) Carefully cross the busy A308 and pass through the gate into the deer park and finally reach the statue of George III on his horse which commands a regal view over Windsor Great Park (A).
(3) Maintain the same direction (South) over the top of the hill and descend across a mown strip and through the deer fence onto a wide grass ride. Soon after a crossing track the Royal Lodge, a favourite home of the late Queen Mother, may be seen on the left.
(4) Continue past the Ox Pond on a rising gravel track into woodland.
(5) At the paths junction at the top of the hill turn sharp right with the Chaplain's Lodge on left. Take the left fork at the next junction.
(6) At the crossing turn left into Dukes Lane. Many splendid mature oaks line the route as the lane gradually descends and passes out of the park through the Prince Consort's Gate.
(7) From Prince Consort's Gate bear left along lane to reach the B383 at Ascot Gate. Turn right here for the mapped Three Castles Path route but for a short cut or to visit the pub turn left.
(8) Shortly cross into Watersplash Lane on the right. To visit the 400 year old thatched Tavern take footpath on left, otherwise continue to a junction.
(9) Bear right into Cheapside Rd. Keep left on the main road at the nurseries and soon reach the Golden Gates, leading to Ascot Racecourse.
(10) Soon after the Gates turn right on an enclosed path with the racecourse on the right and continue to the A330.
(11) Turn right, cross the side road and take the way-marked Three Castles and Church Path up to the new straight mile. Cross through the gates and go ahead to the steps.
(12) At the bottom of the steps turn left under the A330 and keep to the Three Castles and Church Path first on the service road and then across the heath on the hedged track. On reaching a service road turn left with the cricket pavilion on the right.
(13) Cross the racecourse on the foot-way and go through gates. Carefully cross the A322 into Kennel Avenue with its stately Wellingtonias.
(14) At the road junction turn left along Burleigh Rd. Follow the road round to the right then sharply left, passing new luxury houses.
(15) Just before the road junction turn right into bye-way (Blythewood Lane) which joins the A329.
(16) Turn right and after Gainsborough Drive cross the main road via the traffic island.
(17) Follow the verge and turn left through gate into Englemere Pond Nature Reserve. There is a good view of the pond from here. Turn right and keep to main path with the ancient pond on the left. Continue through area of preserved heath and soon after passing the car park on the right, bear right to reach the B3107.
(18) Turn left, cross the railway bridge and soon turn right into Swinley Park. Go through car park at the entrance to Swinley Park.
(19) Turn 1st left at the junction of forest rides on ramblers route. Keep ahead across two cross-tracks.
(20) At the junction at the top of the rise, turn right on surfaced track. After about 400yds notice the circle of 11 limes marking the top of Icehouse Hill which enclosed the icehouse for Swinley Lodge. The master of the royal buckhounds lived here in the 18th century. Continue along the winding ramblers route for about a mile until the ride turns sharp left.
(21) Here turn right as indicated and leave the Park through a metal gate. Turn left along verge past a roundabout. Cross the road at the traffic island and continue in the same direction along the pavement.
(22) Cross the A322 via the footbridge, passing to the left of the Coral Reef swimming pool.
(23) About 25yds past the car park entrance turn left to cross B3430 at the pedestrian crossing. Follow the walking route through the car park to reach the Look Out where refreshment may be obtained with the Look Out on the right and the picnic area on the left go through the gate and turn half right then left on the ramblers route on the broad track.
(24) Keep ahead up to the main crossing track.
(25) Turn right and after 100yds bear left along a wide grassy ride. Cross Ladies Mile.
(26) At a T-junction turn left. This soon joins a prominent track, the Devil's Highway, once the Roman Road from Calleva Atrebatum at Silchester to London.
(27) Turn right on the Highway, an undulating, sandy track, and after about 800 yards go under the A3095.
(28) After passing under the A3095 turn left at the public footpath sign on ramblers route, soon descend the wooded slopes of Butter Hill to reach Butter Bottom. Cross the road and keep ahead through the gate.
(29) Continue ahead along the lane.
(30) When the lane turns right keep straight on over stile with buildings of Broadmoor Farm on the left. Continue along the edge of two fields.
(31) Then turn left and right through woodland, cross a stile and turn right along an avenue of mature trees. Keep ahead on a pleasant made-up path. Pass a gate into the Wildmoor Nature Reserve and continue past houses.
(32) At the next junction, turn left through a gate into the reserve. Keep ahead to the paths junction. Pass through a metal gate and keep ahead to busy Crowthorne Rd.
(33) Cross carefully and bear left on a slowly descending path with Edgebarrow hill on the left. Ignore side tracks and come out of the woodland at houses in Sandy Lane, Litte Sandhurst.
(34) After about 100yds turn right down the tarmac path beside an open area.
(35) At the bottom turn left into Grampian Rd, right into Chiltern Rd and after the corner turn right on the path between houses. Bear left into the woodland. Keep ahead on the path with the railway on your left to reach Crowthorne Railway Station. (E)