Seathwaite tarn

Lovely circular walk to Seathwaite tarn from the village of Seathwaite.

Technical sheet

Last update:
Last review:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 9.11 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 25 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 289 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 289 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 376 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 111 m

Description de la randonnée

Start: Seathwaite village

(S/E) From the car park turn right on the road that goes up (North East). Pass the church and continue straight for around 600m.

(1) Turn right towards Turner Hall Farm. Then continue on the trail through the fields until you reach a road.
At the road take right, continue straight for around 300 m.

(2) Turn left to cross the bridge and then continue straight on the main path until reaching the tarn.

(3) At the tarn take left to follow its concrete wall (on your right hand side), pass the two small metal doors.

(4) Then take the path on the left that goes down through the marshes. Be careful this area can be very boggy. Continue zigzagging across the fields always going down and right towards the road.

(5) Once on the road turn left, then continue for about 500m before taking the path on the left which goes towards High Tongue. Continue on this path for a while until reaching Thrang cottage, then cross the river to get to Tongue house and a road.

(6) At Tongue House, turn right on this road and continue straight ahead, passing cottages before reaching Walna Scar Road

(7) Take right at the road intersection, then at the next intersection take left and continue straight on this road until reaching the car park.


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 112 m - Seathwaite village
  2. 1 : km 0.51 - alt. 139 m - Right towards Turner Hall Farm
  3. 2 : km 1.68 - alt. 185 m - Left
  4. 3 : km 3.91 - alt. 373 m - Seathwaite Tarn
  5. 4 : km 4.29 - alt. 376 m - Left going down
  6. 5 : km 6.4 - alt. 168 m - Left then left again
  7. 6 : km 7.38 - alt. 151 m - Right at Tongue House
  8. 7 : km 7.99 - alt. 164 m - Right
  9. S/E : km 9.11 - alt. 112 m - Seathwaite village

Practical information

Car park: Seathwaite, Broughton-in-Furness LA20 6ED, just after the pub Newfield Inn (please do not park at the pub). £2 for the day.

Dog friendly: Sheep in fields. Dog must be kept on lead when crossing field with livestock.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.