Start: Small car park on Hardknott Pass before the road going to Brotherilkeld Farm
(S/E) From the car park, take right (East) up to Hardknott Pass. Continue straight up passing another small car park. Continue straight until seeing a path on the left going to Hardknott Roman Fort Do not take the left path waypoint (1) Continue until reaching Hardknott Roman Fort.
(2) After visiting Hardknott Roman Fort, retrace your steps until reaching Hardknott pass then take right to go down the road and then see the path and gate now on your right hand side (1).
(1) Pass the gate and continue straight on the large path (North). Continue straight until reaching an intersection of path (after around 350m), then take right and continue straight on this path for around 1 km until reaching an intersection of path.
(3) Take right on the large path and continue straight (North East). The path will become one and follow the river Esk. Continue straight (North) until reaching Tongue Pot.
(4) After seeing Tongue Pot, retrace your steps following the path the closest to the river Esk. Stay on this path for around 4 km until reaching Brotherilkeld Farm.
(5) Pass the farm and continue on the larger path until reaching Hardknott Pass. Once on Hardknott Pass take right to reach the car park (S/E) .