Along the river Esk from Dalegarth

Lovely walk starting from Dalegarth, following the river Esk until Doctor Bridge, and returning by Low Birker Tarn and the other side of the river Esk. This is a dog-friendly walk. If you take the detour, there is no path to access Low Birken tarn. We can only see the small tarn from above. The view from the path going to the tarn is lovely. Good navigation skills are needed to walk around Tarn Crag as the path is not visible.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 8.18 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 00 
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    Difficulty: Difficult

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 245 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 246 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 278 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 46 m

Description de la randonnée

Start: Small Car park on the left after the entrance to Dalegarth Campsite. (CA19 1TF) Grid ref. NY 171 003

(S/E) Exit the car park and take right on the road going North-East in the direction of the bridge. Cross the bridge.

(1) After 100m or so, take right (East) on the footpath indicating St Catherine Church. Continue on this path (with fence and fields on both sides) until reaching another path.

(2) Take right to go South-East in the direction of St Catherine Church. After passing the church, take the path on the left indicating Gill Force/Doctor Bridge. Continue on this path following the river Esk until seeing a bridge. Do not cross the bridge. Take left crossing dry stone walls until reaching a closed dry stone wall in front of you. Take right on the path (with dry stone walls on both sides). Continue on the riverside path following the direction of Doctor Bridge.

(3) Once at Doctor Bridge, cross the bridge right and take directly right (South) on the road towards Low Birken Farm. Continue on this road until reaching the farm, bypass the farm to arrive at an intersection of paths (after a gate).

(4) Here you have the choice to either go see Low Birken tarn or to continue straight following the river Esk.

If you decide to not go to Low Birken tarn, take right at the gate then continue straight on the large path (passing a little pond on your left hand side) until seeing a path going down the river.

If you decide to go to Low Birken tarn, take left after the gate (going towards the farm) now and then just before reaching the farm take right on the path going up (with a little wood on your right hand side). Continue on the main path that slowly goes up and turns around Tarn Crag until seeing Low Birker Tarn.

(5) You should see Low Birker Tarn below the path (you cannot reach the tarn). Continue turning aroung Tarn Crag. To find again the path that you used to go to Low Birker Tarn. Good navigation skills is needed here as there is no visible path on the ground on that side of Tarn Crag. Once on the larger path walk back to the waypoint (4)

(4) Take left then continue straight on the large path (passing a little pond on your left hand side) until seeing a path going down the river.

(6) Take right to use the path closer to the river Esk. Continue straight until arriving to a bridge.

(7) Cross the bridge then take right (North) on the path closer to the river Esk. Continue on this path until reaching a gate and a concrete road. Take left at the road to walk back to the car park (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 53 m - Car park after Dalegarth campsite
  2. 1 : km 0.2 - alt. 57 m - Bridge
  3. 2 : km 0.69 - alt. 51 m - Path junction towards the church
  4. 3 : km 2.42 - alt. 65 m - Doctor Bridge
  5. 4 : km 2.85 - alt. 79 m - Intersection of paths - Detour
  6. 5 : km 4.55 - alt. 256 m - Low Birker tarn
  7. 6 : km 7.17 - alt. 66 m - River Esk
  8. 7 : km 7.75 - alt. 60 m - Bridge
  9. S/E : km 8.18 - alt. 53 m - Car park after Dalegarth campsite

Practical information

Start: Small Car park on the left after the entrance to Dalegarth Campsite. (CA19 1TF) Grid ref. NY 171 003

Car park: Just before Dalegarth train station take on the right in the direction of Dalegarth campsite (Dalegarth Hall Cottage, Holmrook CA19 1TF). There is a small free car park on the left after the bridge. Otherwise park at Dalegarth train station (Fees apply).

Terrain: forest paths, moorland paths. Can be very muddy near (5) .

Note: There is no path to access Low Birken tarn. We can only see the small tarn from above. The view from the path going the tarn is lovely. Good navigation skills are needed to walk around Tarn Crag as the path is not visible. (as you can see on the map the recorded path is slightly off the path showed on the map).

Dog-friendly: Mostly dog friendly except when crossing Low Birken farm and some sheeps on the way to Low Birken Tarn. No shade on the way to Low Birken tarn. Dog must be on lead when crossing area with livestock. No stiles

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.