Rolleston, and Skeffington from Billesdon

A linear Leicestershire walk which uses paths and bridleways to explore the countryside to the south and east of the Billesdon. Return to the start can be made using Centrebus route 747 which has a regular service between Skeffington and Billesdon.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 7.09 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 20 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: No
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    Vertical gain: + 102 m
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    Vertical drop: - 76 m

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    Highest point: 200 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 146 m

Description de la randonnée

(S) From the Market Place walk along Church Lane past John the Baptist church and on to the outskirts of the village. Ignore the footpath on the left and then take the one on the right. Continue along the alleyway and turn left when it opens out onto an oval. Take the alleyway to the left further along and then go right when it opens out onto a grassy patch. Head along this well-marked footpath, through the fields, until you cross a driveway. Carry on through one field and turn left. You then have an option. You can continue along the footpath to a point to the left of the houses on the opposite side of the field, or turn left immediately after the hedgerow onto the unmarked bridleway and walk along it until you reach Ashlands Road (grid ref.SK719005).

(1) Turn left and walk along Ashlands Road until you reach the junction with the B6047. Turn right and then go left through the Cranhill Estate. Carry on along the driveway and on into the field and then turn left through the gate at the yellow post. Walk parallel to the left-hand side of the field until you reach the other end and then go diagonally right once you are into the next field. When you reach a driveway turn right onto it, pass through the gate and continue until you reach a road junction.

(2) Follow the road as it snakes to the right and then left; then turn sharp left along the road marked 'Private. Bridleway Only' and into Rolleston. Continue until you reach an ivy-covered wall, when you will see a stile on your left. Climb it and go right to the side of the hump. Over another stile and then another. Carry on in a straight line with Skeffingon Vale, slightly to your right, as a marker. Drop down to the stream and cross it. Carry on in the same direction, up the slope crossing a tarmac track and then the driveway to Skeffington Vale. Head straight on until you reach the village of Skeffington. Reaching the village continue ahead along the road to reach the A47 where you will find the stop for the return bus service to Billesdon(E).


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 174 m - Market Place
  2. 1 : km 2.64 - alt. 197 m - Turn left
  3. 2 : km 4.14 - alt. 174 m - Follow the road
  4. E : km 7.09 - alt. 200 m - Bus stop

Practical information

Located nine miles east of Leicester just off the A47, the village of Billesdon can be reached by bus using Centrebus Service 747 from Leicester to Uppingham. On street parking is available in the village although do park with care so as not to inconvenience local residents. This linear walk uses the 747 bus service to return from Skeffington to Billesdon.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.