Frisby on the Wreake, Rotherby and Brooksby from Rearsby

This Leicestershire walk starts from the attractive village of Rearsby and explores the countryside and villages lying to the east. The route also includes a section of the Leicestershire Round.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 19.70 km
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    Calculated time: 5h 50 
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    Difficulty: Moderate

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    Return to departure point: Yes
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    Vertical gain: + 75 m
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    Vertical drop: - 75 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 120 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 59 m

Description de la randonnée

(S)The walk starts from the stone bridge which leads to St Michael and All Angels Church. Carry on past Brook St and pick up the footpath to the right just past it. Follow it for a short distance until you reach the old A607. Carry on straight across and walk up the side of the sports field and then continue onto the next field. At the end of it turn left and then very shortly right onto the new A607 Rearsby Bypass.

(1)Cross over and carry on along this well-marked footpath until you reach Topfield Farm. Pass it to the right and onto a track. Eventually, this reverts back to footpath and then you reach the top end of Gaddesby Village. Carry on along Pasture Lane until, after Rose Cottage, you can pick up, to the left, a section of The Leicestershire Round. Carry along it until you once more reach the A607.

(2)Continue straight over and after that you are into Frisby on the Wreake. Follow the main road around to the right and then you have a choice of routes. You can reduce the distance stated by 2.5 miles by walking down to the Stone Cross on the left hand side of the road and picking up the footpath to Rotherby just beyond it to the left. Otherwise you take the footpath to the right. You go through an awkward farm gate, walk slightly diagonal to the left and through another gate. Carry straight on, ignoring the footpath to the left and eventually you will reach the road. This is the limit of the walk as designated. However, if you carry on through the next field you will reach Kirby Bellars proper. You can also, by going to the left, road walk into the same destination.

(3)By turning right you will arrive on the A607 once more and quite handily is the Flying Childers pub; to the right on the opposite side of the road. To restart the walk, retrace your route to Frisby and continue along the aforementioned footpath to Brooksby. When you come to a road junction cross the road and take the left-hand path. When you reach an enclosure made of seemingly redundant motorway crash barriers, go through the gate and through the chicane on the opposite side onto the road.

(4)Road walk right the way through Rotherby until you reach a 'T' junction and opposite you is Brooksby Agricultural College. Walk up the driveway and then follow the waymarks until you arrive on a tarmac road and follow it through until a right-hand turn, followed quickly by a left-hand turn will bring you back onto a proper footpath. When you reach the outskirts of Rearsby continue along Church Leys Avenue and at the end of it take the alleyway off to the left and this will bring you past the church and out by the stone bridge.(E)

Hope you have enjoyed it!


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 59 m - Rearsby stone bridge
  2. 1 : km 2.29 - alt. 90 m - Continue past Topfield Farm
  3. 2 : km 8.08 - alt. 104 m - Continue straight over A607
  4. 3 : km 11.21 - alt. 81 m - Retrace route to Frisby
  5. 4 : km 15.84 - alt. 73 m - Follow road through Rotherby
  6. S/E : km 19.7 - alt. 59 m - Rearsby stone bridge

Practical information

Rearsby is an attractive village midway between Leicester and Melton Mowbray on the A607. Parking is on Brookside and the 5A bus from Leicester to Melton (see timetable) provides a frequent service. The walk itself could be described as a series of straight lines making a circular route.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.