(S/E) From the front door, turn right and follow the road round to the left (Mill Lane). Walk down to the mill and turn left onto the path along the far bank of Budworth Pool. On reaching a Private sign, turn right over a stile and cross a paddock to another stile. Cross a second paddock to a third stile, then turn left. This hedged path emerges at the corner of a field; follow the track ahead, which leads shortly to Park Road.
(1) Take a few steps to the right, then take the track opposite. After 400 yards, turn left onto another byway, which leads to a metalled drive. Turn right and follow the driveway until you meet a road (White Hall Lane). Turn right and follow the road for ¼ mile to a road junction.
(2) Turn left into Beech Road and follow it for ¾ mile until you meet the Coach Road within the wooded surrounds of Little Budworth Common. Follow the restricted byway opposite for 150 yards until you come to a junction at the far edge of the wood, where you turn left (signposted Smithy Lane). Follow the path within the trees until you come within sight of a track on the right running between fields and woodland. Bear right onto the track and follow it left until you emerge by a road junction. Turn right along Park Road and follow it downhill for ½ mile, descending to another attractive millpond.
(3) Keep straight at the junction with Oulton Mill Lane then, at the next crossroads, turn left (Brownhills Road, signposted to Rushton). Ignoring a path on the right after 200 yards, pass a driveway on the left then an attractive thatched cottage on the right. Just beyond a gateway, take a footpath on the right, diagonally across a field. In the next field, aim for a gap in the hedge. Bear left to the farm buildings and pass between them and in front of the farmhouse into a winding lane.
(4) At a T-junction, turn right then almost immediately left over a stile. Walk up the righthand side of the field to emerge over another stile into Kings Lane. Follow the road ahead (right) and then follow it round a right-hand bend by a house (Hunters Lodge).
(5) Shortly after a second house (Parkside Cottage), turn left through two gates onto a footpath. The path crosses the field to the park wall and bends right, through a kissing gate behind the farm. Follow the park boundary for ½ mile, crossing a series of stiles until you reach the corner of the woodland on your left. Cross a stile to the left of a field gate, and bear right along the field edge towards Lower Farm, with a hedge on your right. On meeting a metalled lane, turn left and walk between the buildings. Follow the lane for 500 yards to Home Farm on your right.
(6) Just after the farm buildings, turn right over a stile. Cross the field ahead, dropping down into a dip and out again, to a stile. Follow the left-hand hedge to another stile, then continue along the left-hand side of the field to a third, which leads into Booth Avenue. Walk up the road to meet Vicarage Lane. Turn right past the Old Post Office and follow the village street back to the Red Lion.(S/E)