(S/E) From the front door, turn left along the High Street. At the end of the village, turn right (signposted to Utkinton).
(1) Just beyond a redbrick bungalow called Newlands, turn right into a narrow footpath between hedges. Cross a road and continue along the similar path ahead. Continue past a grassy area with trees and past the last houses to a signposted footpath with fields beyond; turn left along the path which skirts behind the gardens then turns right through a gate into a field. Walk up the right-hand side of the field to the Eaton (4½ miles: Moderate) corner, turn left and right to a gate and stile. Follow the left-hand edge of the next field to a gate into a metalled lane. Turn left and pass a couple of houses on your left. Shortly before reaching the main road, turn right along another track which passes a farmyard and narrows to a grassy path that emerges on a road. Turn left to the main road, and turn right on the right-hand pavement. Follow the A49 for 400 yards (beyond an entrance the path leaves the road briefly to run through trees before returning to the roadside).
(2) At the end of the trees, turn right onto a footpath that emerges onto the golf course. Follow the hedge on your left, with fairways to your right, before passing to the left of a tee to a metal kissing gate. Turn right along a hedged path with the golf course on your right. Cross a golfers’ path and continue to a junction of tracks. Turn left and follow the sunken track which descends through an old quarry before joining a driveway (Lightfoot Lane) that leads out to the road in Eaton village.
(3) Turn right past the village cross, passing the church on your left. Turn left into Edgewell Lane and follow it to the end of the village, passing the school on your left. Just beyond the last house, turn right over a stile and head half-right to a stile into a track in the far right-hand corner. Turn left along the track, then turn right through the hedge just before some barns. Head half left to a stile in the hedge, beyond which turn right. Follow the right-hand side of two fields, separated by a stile, to another stile into a road.
(4) Cross another stile opposite into the golf course and bear half-left to join a tree-lined service road. Follow the road left, which then curves right to the clubhouse and car park. Follow the road to the left at the end of the car park to a junction, where you keep straight on (signposted “Arderne Golf Course and Golf Academy”). Before the service road bends right below a raised green, take the second left (signposted “New footpath”). Turn right then, after a short distance when the main path bends left, turn right onto a narrow path that emerges at the top of a driveway to a house. Turn left and walk down to the road.
(5) Turn left along the road for 75 yards, then turn right onto a signposted footpath through two gates into a field. Follow the field edge to a wooden kissing gate then a wooded path to Park Road. Follow Park Road ahead down to High Street. Turn right to return to the Rising Sun.(S/E)