(S/E) From the front door, turn left and walk down the main village street. Pass the end of Booth Avenue and continue past the Church Room on your left.
(1) Turn right by the War Memorial and walk past the Egerton Arms and Oulton Park Cricket Club. Turn right at the road junction by the Pinfold. Almost immediately, turn left into a track with a Restricted Byway sign. Follow the track past a house on the left; when the track turns left into a second property, follow the narrow path straight ahead that descends to a stream amongst trees.
(2) On meeting a wider track, turn right. The main track bends left; take a sunken, tree-lined path straight ahead. This path shortly meets another track at a Delamere Loop sign; turn right. At a large house on the right, the track joins a public road; just after the house, turn right into a metalled lane with a Restricted Byway sign. Pass a couple more houses on the right then, when the surfaced track bends right, take a green lane on the left (again with a Restricted Byway sign). Follow this hedged track to a T-junction, where you turn right along another byway.
(3) When you reach the road, turn right then immediately left into yet another byway. At the corner of a field, join a narrower path between the trees and bushes on the right. After 300 yards, turn right over a stile and cross two paddocks separated by further stiles to reach Budworth Pool. Turn left along a fence, with the Pool to your right. On reaching the road, turn right and walk into Little Budworth and back to the church and pub.(S/E)