Start : Along Newbold Road (B4087) at the junction with the road going to Ashorne. Grid ref. SP 297 578
(S/E) From the road junction, the path route is from the gate to the opposite diagonal corner of the field West. A worn path goes left then right alongside the stream to this point for around 1.8 Km. From the stile and plank bridge go straight over the field towards the buildings at Seven Elms.
(1) At Seven Elms there is an exit gate in the corner onto the lane. Carry on straight ahead passing Glebe Farm until you reach (A429).
(2) Cross the road, turn left (South) to find a stile and go through the hedge. The path goes straight (West) on but the field is full of cultivated/irrigated tree shrubs so you can walk the outer roadway on your left.
(3) As you reach a path junction, turn right (North) and carry on to Wasperton.
(4) At Wasperton when you see a yellow post and gate, go right (East).
(5) Cross a drive to a house and go through a gate into a lane that leads to JJ Growers. Cross the A429 road again with care and enter a track almost opposite. Follow the track uphill for around 2.3 Km to Heathcote farmhouse.
(6) Turn left (North) into the yard. At the end of the buildings turn right (East) with the hedge on your right, then turn right again to cross the field diagonally (South-East).
(7) Pass the gate and go right across the open field and into a woodland alley, then turn left to a roadside stile.
(8) When you reach the main road (B4087), turn right to go back to the departure. (S/E)