Start : Gilks Garage Café, (CV35 0JZ) on Banbury Road. Grid ref. SP 342 508. Park on Banbury Road or side streets.
(S/E) From the café, walk uphill on Banbury Road towards the village and just past Sulby House on the left go down a grass bank to a footbridge.
(1) Cross it and turn right . Continue along this field edge, turning left then right and go straight on through the hedge into a sports field, passing the clubhouse and a concrete building on your right. Go right through a gap onto the drive and out to the road. Go left.
(2) Turn left in front of thatched Corner Cottage. Go right across a grassy triangle towards the phone box, but cross the road before you reach it.
(3) Take the lane between the cottages and the pond. Follow the new pedestrian way to a stile where you turn right along a muddy wooded path to another stile then continue with the hedge on your left until you pass the large barns at Tubs End Farm. Go right on the tarmac drive to a yellow marker post and go left across a ridge and furrow field to the next drive.
(4) Do not follow the footpath ahead, but turn left past a pond and an open barn downhill to a footbridge, then continue along this track which curves left. Just before the track turns sharp right, go right along a row of new tree planting with the hedge on your left.
.(5) In the next field the hedge goes left to an old brick barn, but the path cuts across the field to the far corner with a yellow post by a large tree. Take the footpath left here, with the hedge on your right then leave the hedge on the corner and cross the field aiming for the large trees to the left of a triple-roof barn. You will reach the corner of a track, but continue across the field to a stile in the hedge onto the road.
(6) Cross the road to another stile then go towards the drive where the dense hedge begins. Cross to a stile and then through the double gate in the far corner of the field. Cross the driveway and step over a wire fence into a wooded area with a pond on your right.
(7) Go across the middle of the field aiming just left of 3 big trees and cross a bridge. Go diagonally right across this field to find a concealed stile in the roadside hedge, about opposite where the far hedge starts to turn.
(8) Go right along this road, which bends left and downhill to a stream crossing. Find a gap and go left with the hedge and stream on your right, cross a track into another field and look out for a footbridge in the hedge on the right before the end of that field .
(9) Cross the stream and go left to a yellow post to cross the ditch then right towards Kents Farm . Follow the stiles to the left of the house to a stile before Red House Farm, which you approach with the hedge on your left. Through the gate continue between the buildings and until the track bends left.
(10) Go through a metal gate and cross the field straight over to the gate opposite. Turn right on the roadway until it bends to the right, and there go left with a wooded area on your right. Follow this path round the field to the second gap in the hedge, and continue on the path right towards the school buildings until you emerge on Banbury Road next to Gilks Cafe. (S/E)