(S) Depart from Calton Lees Car Park along the road towards the Garden Centre. Follow the lane to the right of the garden center and into the small hamlet of Calton Lees. Keep following the road through the village and through the gate on the left onto a track that leads up the valley for about 1.5km. Continue on the same path through Calton Houses until you reach the gates take the one on the right.
(1) After passing through the gate turn left up the path alongside the copse keeping the wall on your left. At the corner of the field go through the first gate and keeping left head through the second gate. Follow the farm track as it emerges onto Calton Pastures, as you ascend after 300 m keep left along the path and head towards Manners Wood on the hill top. The path is marked by a short way marker.
(2) Just before the wood take the path on the right across the pastures. Follow the path for about 1.6km across the fields passing through two gates. The path ascends to the right of a copse at the top of a hill and here you get great views of Bakewell and surrounds. Follow the path around the hill and down a short slope towards a gate. Cross the stile and proceed along the green lane until you reach the gate at the end.
(3) Go over over the stile and turn right up the lane. Follow the lane for 800m, great views at the top, until you reach a fork, take the right fork down the track. Continue descending down the track for 1.1km to the edge of the village of Edensor. Go through the village past the church and at the village green take the left fork to the road. (Cafe is on the right of the village green).
(4) Cross the road and follow the well-marked path opposite as it traverses a small hill and heads towards Chatsworth House. Cross the bridge over the river and turn right up the path towards a gate. Proceed through the gate and continue uphill passing the house and the stables on the right and heading towards the children's farm and the woods. (Cafe and shop in the stable block)
(5) Follow the signs for the Farmyard, go through the first gate and then through the right hand gate into Stand Wood. Follow the road up the hill and when the road turns sharply left take the smaller track going straight on. Folllow this track for 1.3km after a sharp left hand bend take the path on the right. At the crossing of paths after 20m turn right, go up the hill to the road. Just before reaching the road take the path on the right which follows the edge of the escarpment. When you reach the stream turn right over the bridge and head towards the stile over the large wall. Go over the stile onto the open moor.
(6) After 50m there are two tracks on the right close together marked with posts, take either track down the slope towards a wooden gate (the second one is more defined). Take the path down the hill, through two gates close together into an open field. Follow the path down the hill towards the farm building and a stile in the far wall.
(7) Go over the stile and turn right down the farm track which turns into a lane and after 800m you reach the main road. Turn right along the busy road, be careful on the first part as there is no footpath. Cross the bridge and just past the cottage on the right hand side take the track and immediately turn right onto the path up the slope through the trees.
(E) At the top of the slope you reach Calton Lees Car Park