Start: Cashel Forest car park, Cashel Forest and Native Forest Centre, Glasgow (G63 0AW) Grid ref. NS 399 940
(S/E) From the car park, go straight on the large track (passing the gate and leaving the buildings on your right-hand side). Continue on this large track that goes up following the green-marked path. There are several viewpoints along the path.
(1) Continue straight on the large track (leaving the path on your right) for around 1Km until reaching the top of the path and seeing another smaller path on your right.
(2) Take right (East) on the path to continue on the circular walk. Continue straight on this path going down. (around 1.1 Km) The smaller path will join the main larger path.
(3) Continue on this main path until arriving at the car park (2Km or so)(S/E)