Aylesham 4 Miles.
Technical sheet
Last update:
Activity: Walking
Distance: 6.44 km
Calculated time: 1h 55
Difficulty: Not specified
Return to departure point: Yes
Vertical gain: + 14 m
Vertical drop: - 14 m
Highest point: 88 m
Lowest point: 67 m
Country: United Kingdom
District: Aylesham
Start/End: N 51.223708° / E 1.201735°
- S/E : km 0 - alt. 81 m
- S/E : km 6.44 - alt. 81 m
Other walks in the area
White Cliffs and Lagdon Stairs and bay, Channel Geopark Transmanche

From the National Trust Visitor Centre, enter the Channel Geopark Transmanche and walk along the clifftop enjoying views of the harbour, Dover castle, ferries, white cliffs. On the way back, take a detour to Lagdon Stairs and Bay before coming back to the start. This is an ideal walk as you wait for the ferry.⚠️Check the tide to access Lagdon Stairs and Bay. Note the way down can be unsuitable for children, and is quite steep.
White Cliffs and views of the ferries, Channel Geopark Transmanche

From the National Trust Visitor Centre, enter the Channel Geopark Transmanche and walk along the clifftop enjoying views of the harbour, Dover castle, ferries, white cliffs. This is an ideal walk as you wait for the ferry.
South Foreland Lighthouse, White Cliffs Channel Geopark Transmanche

From the National Trust Visitor Centre, enter the Channel Geopark Transmanche and walk along the clifftop enjoying views of the harbour, Dover castle, ferries, white cliffs until you reach the beautiful South Foreland Lighthouse. On the way back, take a detour to Lagdon Stairs and Bay before coming back to the start. This is an ideal walk as you wait for the ferry.⚠️Check the tide to access Lagdon Stairs and Bay. Note the way down can be unsuitable for children, and is quite steep.
From Dover Patrol War Memorial to Saint Margaret's Bay

This short walk starts at Dover Patrol War Memorial car park and goes along the clifftop down to Saint Margaret's Bay. ⚠️At the bay, be careful about the tide timetable.
Folkestone to Dover along the North Downs Way
This linear Kent walk follows the coast between Folkestone and Dover using the North Downs Way Natioanl Trail for much of the way. The vies especially at the Dover end of the walk area excellent. To return to the start use the regular train service that runs along the foot of the cliffs.
Margate to Ramsgate - The Viking Trail

Should we walk from Margate to Ramsgate or from Ramsgate to Margate? Whichever way you want to do this walk, it is one of the most popular hikes on the South Coast and a MUST-DO! Whilst Ramsgate is much prettier than Margate, the food is better in Margate … so it’s all about what you prefer! For the purpose of this walk, we will be doing the walk from Margate to Ramsgate.
Walpole Rocks bathing pool, Cliftonville

Nice little wander along Queen's promenade past Walpole Bay Tidal Pool. The white cliffs bring a nice atmosphere. It is an ideal for a little swim and sunset.
From Botany Bay to Kingsgate Bay and Castle via Whiteness Tower

This Walk starts at the car park in front of The Botany Bay restaurant and goes along the Coastal path to visit Kingsgate Bay and Castle via Whiteness Tower. There is also the chance to walk down to Botany Bay to enjoy the white cliffs and rock formations. The first part of the walk is pushchair-friendly. Dogs are allowed.
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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.