(S/E) From The Hardwick Inn car park entrance, turn right towards the entrance to Hardwick Park. Go through the gate to the left of the cattle grid and turn left along the woodland edge.
(1) Ignore the gate into the wood on your left, instead continuing alongside the wood. Walk (North - West) across the grass to a gate and pass below a pond (the lowest of the Row Ponds).
Follow the path beyond, with the Great Pond on your left. Go through a gate at the end of the lake and take the path straight ahead.
(2) At a crossing track, turn right, passing a quarry entrance on your left with a sign reading “The Story of Stone at Hardwick”. Just before a gate, turn left into open parkland and head right, uphill (North - East).
Under a clump of trees, cross a tarmac drive by a waymark and continue uphill. At the top of the hill, bear slightly left to a gate by a house (The Grange). Keep right of the house and follow the drive to emerge in Ault Hucknall.
(3) Turn right past the church and walk through the village. Beyond a farm, where the road swings left, there are two footpaths radiating across fields to the right (South - East). Take the right-hand path.
Pass a stile beneath an oak tree and cross to the right-hand corner of the next field to meet a road (Duke's Drive).
(4) Turn right at the road junction and walk down to a lodge at the entrance to Hardwick Park. Follow the drive for one mile to reach Hardwick Hall.
(5) Opposite the New Hall, take a path on the right (South - West) (with a sign for the Lower Park). From the gate at the end of the buttressed wall, head straight on, through the trees and then downhill. You should encounter a flight of stone steps at the steepest part, beyond which head directly to The Hardwick Inn. (S/E)