Start: The Old Ashfield, Sutton in Ashfield, Corner of Sutton Rd and A38
(S/E) Walk North down Sutton Road (A), this becomes Kirkby Road towards Sutton. Over a mini island to a larger traffic island.
(1) Turn left (North-West) onto Spring Road which becomes West End at a block of flats next to the ‘Staff of Life’ pub, an area previously known as Smedleys End. After the ‘Staff of Life’, turn left to Church Street. The former main road in the town. Immediately on your right is St Mary’s Gardens.
Turn down the road to the left of the Coop garage, Alfreton Road. Take 1st right into Douglas Road. You are now in old Sutton Wood-house (B).
(2) Cross the road and turn right. Walk down Lammas Road alongside the cemetery on your left, St Mary’s Gardens (C) are across the road on your right. The church of St Mary Magdalene (D) is at the top of the first street next to the cemetery (E).
Return to Lammas Road, continuing to the right past Lammas School. See the old Pinfold after the Leisure Centre. At the traffic island, keep right through the bus station towards the Library.
(3) Turn left on Low Street (F), after 10 yards turn right at Nottingham BS then into Criers Yard, *go up the steps. Going through Criers Yard brings you out on Parliament Street, at the side of the school.
*If you are unable to use steps as you exit Idlewells onto Low Street go straight on towards the school and turn left in front of the school buildings to go into Parliament St.
(4) Turn left along Parliament Street (G). At the end of the school buildings is a turning to the right, between a garage at the corner and the end of the school sports hall. It is a dead end, so you will have to return the same way.
Carry on to Forest Street with the Woolpack pub on the corner then turn left. Turn left again through Portland Square (H) and back onto Low Street. Carry on along Low Street till you reach the former market place with Costa Coffee on the corner.
From Costa, turn left up the hill. Follow the road round to the right. take the pathway on your left leading past the Sutton Community Academy car park, then the United Reformed Church (I) on High Pavement.
(5) Turn right onto High Pavement. Cross the road opposite the United Reform Church, turn down The Twitchell. On the left you come to Reform Street (J). Continue on to Union Street. Retrace your steps to High Pavement. Turn left down High Pavement and return to Kirkby Road and the Old Ashfield. (S/E)