Alternative Coast Path Route from Sheringham to Cley

An alternative route for the North Norfolk Coast Path between Sheringham and Cley.
This walk takes diversions from the official route of the North Norfolk Coast Path via the North Norfolk Railway and the Weybourne Priory Ruins. A further alternative is then used to navigate away from the strenuous shingle walk along the coast to a more gentle amble up to the village of Salthouse and across the hills to Cley. This provides a scenic and interesting alternative to the official route of the North Norfolk Coast Path and gives some spectacular views across the marshes from the hillside between Salthouse and Cley.

Technical sheet

Last update:
Last review:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 15.72 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 4h 50 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 108 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 107 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 56 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 1 m


Description de la randonnée

Start : Sheringham Museum (NR26 8BG) Grid ref. TG 159 434

(S) From Sheringham Museum, follow the National Trail waymarkers Westwards along the coast out of Sheringham.

(1) After walking along the promenade, this soon navigates up Skelding Hill and past the Coastguard Lookout Station. Keep to the path past the Golf Course and over a couple of fields until there is a footpath heading inland.

(2) Turn left, this passes over the railway and down to the Coast Road (A149). Cross the road, turn right and take the track left down the side of Oak Wood. Keep to this until it meets a track that is in an East-West orientation.

(3) Take the West route towards Weybourne, continuing to follow the woodland perimeter. This eventually emerges by the side of the platform at Weybourne Station. On normal operating days, access can be gained directly onto the station platform but on days of special events the gate is locked and access is over the bridge and through the main station buildings.

(4) Continue along the road from the station which leads down into Weybourne village. The road bends round to the left, then to the right and junctions with the main Coast Road opposite the church and priory ruins.

(5) Turn left, the Ship Inn pub is just round the corner and the beach road is on the right. Take this right down to the beach. At the beach, turn left and follow the Coast Path along the shingle. It soon heads up onto the cliff with intermittent shingle and grassed sections as it passes in front the Muckleburgh Collection. There is a fence in front of this area with some barbed wire but there is some broken fencing allowing an easier walk across the grass rather than on the shingle.

(6) At the end of this as the fence turns inland, take the track that heads into the marsh. Follow this around The Quag, bending round to the right, then right again when it junctions with another track. This track turns and then diagonally crosses the marsh and comes out onto the Coast Road that you follow West, which leads into Salthouse. By the Green, to the left of the pub, there is a footpath that leads up Sarbury Hill.

(7) Take this which is also routed as The Sculpture Trail and has some magnificent views across the coast. The path eventually descends to Snipes Marsh with the Sculpture Trail diverging to head inland.

(8) Take a right at this junction and follow the footpath out onto the Coast Road. Cross the road and follow the broad path parallel to it, all the way into Cley Next The Sea. (E)


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 5 m - Sheringham Museum
  2. 1 : km 0.61 - alt. 17 m - Skelding Hill
  3. 2 : km 2.82 - alt. 15 m - Path junction - Inland path
  4. 3 : km 4.25 - alt. 46 m - Path junction
  5. 4 : km 6.02 - alt. 41 m - Weybourne Station
  6. 5 : km 7.35 - alt. 14 m - Church and priory ruins
  7. 6 : km 9.7 - alt. 2 m - Path junction - The Quag marsh
  8. 7 : km 12.23 - alt. 6 m - The Green
  9. 8 : km 13.51 - alt. 5 m - Path parallel to Coast Road
  10. E : km 15.72 - alt. 4 m - Cley Next The Sea

Practical information

Start : Sheringham Museum (NR26 8BG) Grid ref. TG 159 434

Coasthopper CH1, CH2, CH3 - Unfortunately, in recent years the highly acclaimed Coasthopper bus service has suffered from subsequent takeovers with a consequent deterioration of the service and continuing doubts upon is viability. Due to its constant changing operators, it is therefore best to use the Traveline website to determine the current timetables and services.

Shorter Alternative
The walk can be broken down into two smaller sections between Sheringham and Weybourne, then Weybourne and Cley. The Coasthopper bus service passes through both villages to enable the walker to return to their starting location.

Accommodation :
Woodhill Park Campsite

Refrehsments :
The Ship Inn, Weybourne
Dun Cow, Salthouse

Find more information and walks at Griffmonsters Great Walks here.

In the nearby area

  • Weybourne Priory
  • The Weybourne Smuggler
  • RAF Weybourne

Other walks in the area

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.