Start: St Nicolas Church, Butter Street, Alcester, B49 5AL
Walk south down High Street. Turn right at Lloyds Bank into Swan Street and go straight over the roundabout into Seggs Lane. Turn left at Roman Way and turn right down the side of no. 30. Continue to a footbridge and then cross the A435 dual carriageway. Cross the field , aiming for a gap to the right of the hedge, then continue with hedge on your left. At the end of the field follow the hedge round to the right and then go left at a yellow post to the A422 road.
(1) Turn right for a few metres to enter the path opposite. The route continues with hedge on left , passing double steel gates and bird boxes and a detached stile and on meeting the stony track go straight on to pass Deerings/Park Cottage. Where the track bends right, turn off the stony track into a gap on your left.
(2) Cross a stream and stile and walk uphill to the road . Do not go straight over, go left on the road and just before the house find a gap in the hedge to right and go uphill into the trees to enter the churchyard gate. Enjoy the views before leaving the main church gate, and go left downhill with the hedge on your right until you turn right just before the woods. Follow the edge of the woods until you see houses and double steel gates .
(3) . Cross the road into a layby and enter the path to the left of the houses. Go downhill with hedge on your left then cross a broken stile and go downhill past Thornhill Farm to the A422 road. Cross over the road and go right at the yellow post with the woods on your left, at the end of the woods go straight on and after crossing a farm track keep left of a wooden bench and continue with ditch and hedge on your right. At the corner of the field cross an old brick footbridge and go left with hedge on your left to pass steel mesh gates, and through a gap keeping stream on your left and on to meet Farm Drive.
(4) Go right on the drive then turn left at yellow post, keep left of the old brick buildings but go right in front of the house to a path. Go across the field uphill and aim right of the woods, then aim downhill towards a steel gate and turn right when you meet the tarmac drive. Go left at the black electric gate, cross the A435 footbridge and follow Allimore Lane to the School Road junction, opposite left take the alley to Birmingham Road. Walk left and take the alley right by the Lord Nelson, cross the park, and across the road a lane in front of houses leads back to Bulls Head car park and through to the High Street.