Coughton to Henley in Arden, Millenium Way

This is the 4th section of the Millenium Way 100 miles from Coughton to Henley in Arden.

This walk is part of a multi-day hike: Millennium Way Full West to East

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 11.33 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 40 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 139 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 120 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 155 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 54 m

Description de la randonnée

(S) From the National Trust Coughton Court, go left (North) after crossing pedestrian lights along the main A435 to pass in front of Coughton Court and the carpark entrance right. The Throckmorton pub is just up on the left, but is off the route by 150 paces.

(1) Once over River Arrow turn immediately right to pass in front of a pair of cottages to a kissing gate by a National Trust sign for Coughton Court. Take the kissing gate and go half left across the field to the distant gate. Take the gate and go with the metal fence left to find the corner gate by the electricity pole.

Take the gate and go left along the edge of the field with the hedge fence and ditch left to the field corner. Turn right and go with the hedge left to find the "gate" by an oak tree. Take the "gate" and go 1/2 rigth across the field to the gate in the hedge with the ditch.

(2) Take the gate and ahead, River Arrow bank on your right. Go with the river bank right to find a footbridge over the river. Cross the footbridge and go straight across the field, aim for a distant church. Go through a kissing gate to the right of the church and along the track to road. At the road turn right and proceed to pass a cottage on the left with a black gate.

(3) Just past that cottage, turn left off the road by the gate and signepost Millenium Way. Go ahead the hedge left. Go downhill along the field edge with the hedge left. At the bottom of the hill reach the junction of three tracks. Take the gate adjacent to the house driveway and go through the actual garden with a deep ditch and hedge on your right and a pond left, to exit by the gate.

Take the gate and continue forward along the field edge with a ditch and hedge on your right toward a big metal gate 30 paces left at the end of the field.

(4) Go through a metal gate and cross a small broken bridge over a narrow stream. Go through a very marshy area and past the waymark under wires. Taking a slight ? waymarked left, go over the field to exit by the mid field kissing gate.

Cross the track and go through the gate and ahead with the fence right and ditch left to find a driveway. Go left on the driveway past a house with skylights and, where it turns into the house, go ahead into the field keeping the hedge left. Observe the rusty transformer on the pole left. Go 80 paces to find a waymark under trees on the left.

(5) Now go 1/2 right across ill defined path to the field corner gap left. Take the gap and go ahead with the hedge left to exit by the field corner gap. Ahead to exit the next field by another corner gap. Go through a 5 bar gate and proceed uphill on a clearly defined path. At a brow go down to the bottom of the field corner, take a gap and go ahead 50 paces to find a wooden gate left.

Go through the gate and go 1/2 right over the field to the mid hedge metal gate. Take the gate and proceed along with the hedge left to the kissing gate to the road.

(6) Turn right and after 80 paces walk under power lines uphill to Bannams Wood on your left. Swing right and continue forward on the road to where the road bends sharply right by a house. Here you turn left uphill onto a track into Bannams Wood. (The woods are a Site of Special Scientific Interest).

Go forward climbing quite steeply up the track. At the division of paths, just before the brow of the hill, with a bench to mark 25th Anniversary of the Heart of England Way, turn right. Continue forward going left where the track divides. Follow the path for a distance as it meanders through attractive wood and eventually come to and take a metal gate out of wood.

(7) Go with fence right to take stile. Go quite steeply downhill with a hedge on the left to the field corner, passing a pond on the left and then turn half left to go through the copse to take the kissing gate to the road. Go straight across the road and go through a gap in the hedge into a field.

Follow the field edge with the hedge on the left to the field corner and pass through a gap in the hedge. Continue forward along the field edge with the hedge on left to the field corner and go through the gap. Go half right to a stile in the center of the far hedge.

Cross and go forward across the centre of the field to a stile and wooden planked footbridge over the deep ditch in the hedge. Cross and continue ahead over top of the hill and on to stile in a double fenced hedge in the field corner. Cross and go forward to a stile in the second double fenced hedge. Cross and go half left down the hill to a stile in the hedge. Cross and continue forward passing the marker post in the field centre to the far left field corner.

(8) Turn left over a metal footbridge across the stream and immediately cross a stile to go down a step to cross the culverted ditch and half right up steps to a stile. Cross and turn left along the field edge with the hedge on the left to reach two oak trees about three quarters of the way up the field and turn right across the field to a stile in timber rail fence.

Cross into the paddock and go ahead to a stile and cross into the small orchard. Go ahead to cross the next stile onto a tarmac drive. Go half right onto the drive to the house on the right and cross an unusual stile in the wall by a wooden gate and reach the road with Well Cottage on your right (take a few moments to look down the old well).

(9) Go straight across the road to cross a stile. Go half right over the brow of the hill to see isolated fence posts and then forward across the field to the next marker post and almost immediately to a third marker post in the left field corner.

Turn left down the steps to a stile. Go right across the stile and follow the sunken path in the enclosed field edge with the hedge right to a kissing gate (some walkers use the field here). Take the kissing gate and immediately cross the metal footbridge across the ditch into the field.

(10) Go left with the fence left to the field corner. Take the gate ahead and then go right into the tree lined passage to find the metal gate (once again some walkers go in the field). Take the gate and go ahead to find the metal kissing gate.

(11) Take the gate and go forward along the fenced path with allotments on both sides to cross over Henley Station footbridge (pop down to see the heritage platform buildings) and go half left down the path to Station Road.

Turn left and after some 10 paces take the alleyway right (Swan Croft) leading down to High Street (A). Cross the road by the pedestrian traffic lights. Turn right and come to the Church of St John the Baptist. (E)


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 58 m - The National Trust Coughton Court
  2. 1 : km 0.4 - alt. 59 m - River Arrow
  3. 2 : km 1.48 - alt. 56 m - River bank - Footbridge
  4. 3 : km 2.54 - alt. 63 m - Cottage with a black gate
  5. 4 : km 3.63 - alt. 67 m - Small broken bridge
  6. 5 : km 4.35 - alt. 74 m - Waymark under trees
  7. 6 : km 5.94 - alt. 94 m - Power lines
  8. 7 : km 7.52 - alt. 137 m - Bannams Wood
  9. 8 : km 9.73 - alt. 80 m - Metal footbridge
  10. 9 : km 10.05 - alt. 87 m - A4189
  11. 10 : km 10.56 - alt. 78 m - Metal footbridge
  12. 11 : km 10.99 - alt. 89 m - Allotments
  13. E : km 11.33 - alt. 77 m - Church of St John the Baptist

Practical information

Maps: Ordnance Survey Map - Landranger 150 & 151 - Explorer 220

Accommodation : More information here

Refreshment : (A) Here there is a convenience store, the White Swan pub, a Fish and Chip shop to your left across the road and tearooms 400 yards to your right.

Find out more on Walking 41 Club here.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.