(S/E) From Shepreth Railway Station, walk towards the village along Station Road (South-East). Turn right (South-West) onto Meldreth Road and visit Docwra’s Manor Garden (A) .
Then, continue along Meldreth Road (South-West) until just before the level crossing. Here you can enjoy the Crossing House Garden (B). Continue over the crossing, along Meldreth Road.
(1) Turn left (South-East) into Shepreth L-Moor (C) , a site of special scientific interest.
Continue diagonally (South-East) across the L-Moor and exit through the kissing gate, then follow the lane left (North-East) towards Shepreth Church. (D)
(2) Past the church, turn left (North) onto the High Street. It's a short stroll to the Plough (E) . Alternatively, from the Plough, continue North on to the junction of High Street and Meldreth Road, where you will find the Teacake (F) .
(3) From the triangle junction, walk back to Station Road back towards Shepreth Railway Station.(S/E)