Start : Park on the main road in Tideswell village (B6049), there are public conveniences at Fountain Square. Grid ref. SK 151 754
(S/E) Start the walk by walking downhill (South) but take the minor road right (Gordon Road) to reach the junction with Richard Lane. Go straight across on a farm track continuing down hill and then take the footpath left which goes steeply downhill through woodland and onto the B6049 road.
(1) Turn left uphill for 20 yards and carefully cross the road to reach a small hand gate. Walk through the gate and then right through fields to reach the entrance of Tideswell Dale Nature Reserve. Continue through the dale and take either of the main paths where they split as they converge lower down the dale. Continue through the dale until you reach a tarmac road (care).
(2) Continue left to walk through the small hamlet of Litton Mill. Walk besides the historic Litton Mill and continue along a broad path which runs beside the River Wye. The dale curves this way and that and you will walk alongside sheer cliffs. As you approach Water-cum-Jolly Dale you may come across climbers testing their skills on the cliff face.
(3) Walk past the historic Cressbrook Mill and join the minor road (care) and start walking left uphill - this becomes quite steep. Continue uphill on the road until you reach a side road on the right signposted to Ravensdale Cottages.
(4) Take this road and walk down to the cottages, which leads you into Cressbrook Dale. With the cottages on your right continue along the footpath which leads into the wooded Cressbrook Dale.
(5) On reaching a footbridge, take the footpath right which leads uphill through the woodland and eventually comes out into the open where there are stunning views of the White Peak.
(6) Turn left, take the footpath leading down into the valley bottom and continue along the dale floor until you reach another footbridge.
(7) Cross this bridge and then walk uphill through Tansley Dale where you will see signs of old mine workings. Follow this obvious path towards Litton Village and a lane where you need to climb over a wall stile.
(8) Turn left along the lane and walk past farm buildings on your right to reach another minor road.
(9) Turn right and walk to the main road in Litton village where you turn left. Litton is a lovely, small village with wide green spaces either side of the main road. If you have timed it right you can call into the village shop where you can obtain refreshments or call in at the Red Lion.
(10) At the Red Lion take the road on the right (Church Lane) which goes gently uphill. Keep on this country lane which eventually leads downhill into Tideswell.
(11) Take the footpath left which winds its way down to the main road where you turn left to return to your starting point. (S/E)