Start : Champ de Foire square (the fairground square), at the bottom of the signpost, located at the corner of Rue du Petit Pont and the cemetery.
(S/E) From Champ de Foire, walk up Rue du Petit Pont, heading up to the village centre. When you arrive in front of the church, turn slightly left to go up Rue du Couvent, you will reach the tennis court, walking alongside the new cemetery on the left. Go along the well-shaded path.
(1) At the ford, leave the river Vrille on your right to head up North until you reach the paved road, which you take to the left.
(2) Take it from the left. About 300m after, just after a path on your left (in the walking way), go to the right. Go along a field then hedges on both side to cross a road.
(3) Go straight to take the path in front of you. Climb quietly and join the forst houses of Les Perriers.
(4) At the crossroad, go on the right and at the exit of the hamlet, leave the tar going straight to a dirt road.
(5) Cross the road and go on the right staying on the tar road going on the left (the path facing you is private). Go straight, with caution at the crossroads with road D66.
(6) Turn on the right and keep this main path that goes to the étang de Chassin.
(7) Cross the road (D955) carefuly then climp the path and join the road (D66).
(8) Go left to wlak above 200 meters. Leave this path to fork the very first small dirt and sand path on the left.
(9) At the end of this path, the footbridge will allow you to cross the marsh and the old reach of Moulin Cognot. Go up between the houses. At the crossroads with D955, cross carefuly and take the opposite path. It arrives at Guénerie.
(10) Take right, the path that will bring you to Crot Maçon. Keep going straight, leaving all others path on right and left.
(11) At the crossroads of 5 paths -including a fairly wide forest path-, choose the forest path by turning slightly to the left (South-West direction).
(12) At the end of this forest path, for the last part, go down to the left. The road is quite shaded, forming in places a beautiful canopy of trees ; leave on both sides the localities les Pautrats, Bourg sans Paille, les Martins. (S/E)