Start : Lay-by in front of the Lambourn cemetery. Grid ref. SU 313 802
(S/E) From the lay-by, across the road from you is St Luke’s Chapel (A). Take the path along Rowdown, past the cottages on your right and up the hill (South-West).
(1) Turn right after 1.5 Km. Follow the path (North-West) for 2.5 Km until you reach the main road (B4000).
(2) Cross the road and head up the hill (North). You are walking on the upper chalk which is the predominant bedrock in this area (B). Continue for 2 Km.
(3) Then, turn right after a small scrub copse on your right. Proceed along the track, through a farmyard and then along Maddle Road (C). Follow the road to the right.
(4) Then take a left turn. Along the road you will be able to see where chalk and sarsen stones have been used as building materials in house and garden walls.
(5) Turn right and at the end of the road you will be back at St Luke’s chapel. (S/E)