Start : Lambourn Market Square (RG17 8YY) Grid ref. SU 326 789
(S/E) From Lambourn Market Square (A), walk along Oxford street past the Pharmacy (B). Cross the River Lambourn.(C) Continue along Oxford Street and turn right into Mill Lane.
(1) On your left is a narrow footpath which leads to the back of the Mill Lane houses and skirts along the edge of the field.
(2) Continue to follow the path along the fields until you reach a road. This is called Long Hedge.
(3) Turn right and just before the bottom of the road take the path on your left. You will see the racehorse training gallop ascending the hill. Follow the path across the fields through a number styles heading to Eastbury.
(4) At farm buildings on your left, take a right turn and descend to the main road. Cross the river at the bridge and continue up the hill.
(5) When you come to a fork take the right turn and continue until you reach a crossroad of paths.
(6) Take a right turn and continue up the hill. When you reach the crest of the hill you have another lovely view of the village. Continue down the hill.
(7) Turn left into the field just before the pumping station which is on your left.
(8) When you reach the road turn right, cross the river.
(9) Then turn left in front of the houses through to Woodbury. Walk along Woodbury.
(10) Then turn left along Newbury Road and continue back to the market square. (S/E)